Live Life Without Regrets

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, regret is "to be very sorry for".
No one is perfect. We all do things that we must learn to do over or that we desire to change.
Each of us find ourselves in situations where we wish we had handled it differently, done it better, or said it more respectfully.
When you find yourself in these situations, you must learn to take from them the wisdom and knowledge that will help you to move on to the next level in your life in a positive manner. Learn from your mistakes. We can also learn from others mistakes.
A few tips on living life without regrets:
Acknowledge a mistake has been made
Make amends - Apologize, mean it and move on; apologize to others and yourself
Forgive yourself
Be careful not to repeat the same mistake
Be watchful of future knee-jerk reactions
Try not to judge people before you get to know them
Don’t try to change someone—love who they are now
Control negative thoughts so that they don’t contribute to the outcome of your life.
Become the person you would like to spend the rest of your life with.
Live in the now by loving the present and being aware of your thoughts and actions. Think happy thoughts and speak powerful words.
Try not to put things off until later
Never hold grudges
Spend time with people who make you happy
Appreciate who you've become through your trials and tribulations
As you know better, do better
Be honest with yourself
Be someone others can count on
Dare to dream and experience your dreams
Do something every day that makes you feel proud of yourself
Eliminate fear from your life
Laugh more than you cry and compliment more than you complain
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Walk by faith.

Hi Bluidtiki,

New to these posts so I've been kind of browsing all over the place. And must admit, you impress me as giving not only sensitive advice, but in the essay "Live life...regrets" I found some more and was reminded of some real pearls. In the future, I'll make it a point to keep reading you. Thanks for the essay. Two last pearls for you: Do not stay angry with anyone. The only person hurt by unresolved anger is you.(they don't know or care if your angry with them or not) And: "Argue for your limitations and sure enough their yours." J.S.

Peace out, T


I really enjoyed reading your journal entry. Very well written and I feel it describes a lot of who we are as human beings and helps us to understand why we feel and do certain things when events happen.

I only hope that one day to I can be just as confident to have something to offer those out there that are suffering just like me. True inspiration, thankyou Bluidtiki :)

Hi Bluidkiti,

Thanks for another wonderful post!

"Bumping" this up to 2012!
