I've known my husband since my childhood...we lost contact when I moved to the USA- after 7 years I saw him again on a vacation to my home country and we fell inlove again; now we're married. He is in Guyana and I am in the USA and the distance is getting to us I think...we've been having a lot of fights recently and I don't know what to do...he will hopefully be in the USA in a year from now but I feel like we won't survive to see it happen...confused and sad.
I'm sorry to hear you're going thru this right now. I was in a long distance relationship for 5 years although in the same country. I'm in MD and my partner at the time lives in Vegas so I can at least sympathize with how hard it is to be MANY miles apart. Hope everything works out for you and your husband and I wish you both happiness.
Thanks dliphs99...I feel alone and I feel as if he is not supporting me in everything I am trying to do including visiting him, calling him etc..like simply we have this rule to always have our cellphone on and last night I tried to call him after it was pass the time he was suppose to come online so we can talk. I do mad because he had a supid excuss...I hang up the phone...he called this morning and said sorry to me...I accept it, but he want on by saying I overreacted. I never did anything like that to him and I go out of my way to make him happy and he doesn't do haft of what I do...I feel he is not fair to me...
I understand how hard this is for you. I really do. My partner and I saw each other once a month for the first 3 years and even that wasn't enough so I can imagine how agonizing your situation is. How long have you been apart from each other? Relationships are hard enough even if the person is down the street from you. Put a few thousand miles between the individuals and it's that much harder. My partner and I were equally busting our butts to make the relationship work but there were times here and there I felt neglected and I'm sure she'd say the same about me. Long distance requires a ton of patience, work, understanding, compassion, loyalty. It's def not for everyone and I can say even though I met a wonderful woman who I loved very much for me personally I couldn't do it again. He's out of the country so I'm guessing you don't see each other very often?
I'll be here anytime you need to talk.
We've been apart for 1 year now and marriage for 3 months. Thanks for offering to be there for me it means alot.
It's def hard and I feel for you. I would imagine being married with that much distance between you is extremely daunting. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need to talk/vent. I'm wishing you the best and hope everything works out.
Faraway it is very frustrating to be away from the one you love & your doing the best you can by holding your focus on the good side of the relationship & talking daily when possible & hopefully setting goal together for the future would help keep things fresh & interesting as I'm sure your aware of. I'm glad your here talking things through & remember always make him think about that wonderful women he loves so much.
All my strengths.
Thank you guys...well today is better...we made up and I came across something over the internet...it's some conversation starter for long distance marriage...I've print it out and I am ready to make our chats more interesting and maybe he can open up to me a little more because I know he is not good with this long distance thing and I feel I am a little more strong. I know we'll have fun talking tonight :)