So I haven't officially been diagnosed with BPD, (because I can't afford to see a therapist) but I am perusing my masters in clinical psychology at Yale, and I meet the majority of the diagnostic criteria severely, and have since I was young. (The earliest example I can recall is from the 4th grade) I know I need to get in and get a real diagnosis, but in the meantime, I hoped I could find some advice and support here.
As part of your degree don't you have to see a therapist? It was required when a friend got her degree. Do far I have found DBT to be very helpful.
Yes, I met with an on campus therapist twice - it pains me to say it, but these guys are not very helpful. He diagnosed me with an eating disorder and sent me on my way. My problems go deeper than that.
If you are still interested, I'd love to talk to you as well. Send a message if you need to get something off your chest..
I think you need to see a psychiatrist and not just a therapist.
BPD has similar symptoms to Bipolar Type II. Self-diagnosis as I'm sure you are aware of is unreliable, because you are bias. You may see things that are not there. That is not to say though that you aren't correct.
I have seen a number of different therapist, counselors, and psychiatrists on and off from a young age. I only recently met with one that I think may be able to properly diagnose me.
Usually most schools have a psychiatrist who is in charge of the counseling center. Plus I'm sure one of your professors should have the qualification to if not diagnose you themselves (due to possible awkwardness you may feel telling them such personal things), help you find someone who can help you.