Looking for the answers?

I'm looking for help to finally stop drinking. I am a binge drinker. I was drinking everyday till about two years ago I started working out so that helped stop the daily drinking. Now my problem is I can't stop till I'm completely trashed. I don't enjoy it anymore and I am looking for a place to vent. I have few fiends but the ones I do have our elationships have all been based on alcohol. There are times when I just have something to say and it seems to lead me to drinking. I need ti fill my void with something else but I don't know how. In person I am quiet and some what antisocial I find it hard to make new freinds I should say. I have a very boring personality. I would like to help people cope and in return find the help I need to make through.

i would probably see if there is some type of therapy. there are sometimes meeting called aa. my dad was an alcoholic and he went to those meetings and he has been alcohol free for many years. he really seemed to enjoy them and there are other people that go to them that have a problem with alcohol as well so in a way people can relate to eachother. hope this helps. oh and also you may want to get some different friends that dont drink because i used to be a smoker and i cant be around someone who smokes because it bothers me and it will make me relapse. my dad had to get new friends as well. the reason is is because it is a drug and you become addicted and so when you are around it it makes it hard for you to say no. again i hope this helps. best of luck

hey tiredintexas...this is kathy in houston texas, darling aa is where i got my life back, made great friends and even met my husband of 19 yrs sssooo you can check online or call aa for the nearest meeting near you. or where i came from they call it the when and where....hundreds of meetings where i came from and of course houston area thousands. and ashley is right as they say gotta change your playmates and playpen. there may also be some intensive outpatient facilities that you can check into or if this is all to overshwelming for you right now get to a therapist that specializes in addictions. but if you can do it aa is a great place. its ok to be shy, being shy does not mean your boring hun. i'm sure others on the board will add other options...let us know what you decide and please keep posting...no holes barred here hun talk about what you need to to help keep ya sober.

Well I understand aa is an option. I know they have meetings here but the few time I went they seemed to be not what I'm looking for I can't seem to open up to people in such a small town. I do need new friends but it is hard at my age to find people of interest most thirty + years olds r set in the social networks and nit being the type to just start a conversation it makes it difficult. If I could open up to my wife and make her understand that I have a problem it would be a great weight off my shoulders but when we talk about it it seems I always say I wanna do it ot lose weight or get in better shape lifting weights in my venting area but I workout alone and I need some one t understand I think this may be the place at least I can say I'm having a bad day without worrying about someone judging me. I don't display signs of being a rock bottom alcoholic it has never effected my work although it has put a stain on my marriage sometimes. It the emotion pit that I have fallen into that bothers me the most. I love my wife and I love my kids even more and I want to be their pillar and feel by drinking the way I do I weaken the foundation of our family.

I know what you mean when you say that now you just can't stop drinking once you start. I don't drink everyday but when I drink I usually don't stop until I've spent too much money or black out. I'm under 100lbs and can drink more than 4 long islands in a row and still be fine. I have even gone to bars by myself to drink during the day which is really bad, I'm only 22. Sounds like its time to find some more friends that don't drink. If you started working out..find a sport to get into with some people. Athletes usually don't spend their time drinking. Just a thought. Everyone knows that in the end drinking isn't worth it.

I have that same problem there r times more so than not that I find my self drinking alone. I'm gonna make an attempt to find a crowd that agrees with me but I dont know where to start. I hope u r successful in ur search for sobriety as well. Ur young and have a long life ahead of u. Don't let this control who u r.

"I did'nt get in trouble every time I drank........

But when i did get in trouble i had been drinking.....

just something passed onto me years ago by my sponsor

True words I cant say any trouble that came my way did not involve alcohol.
Finding other means to drown ur sorrows can be hectic alcohol has never given me a solution bot only created more problems

Today I feel good I had a good work out and relieved some stress not thinking about drinking today but it is only the beginning of a long journey I thank u that have posted even if I didn't come out and throw my life story out there for the world to read about just the act of saying (typing) something has made it easier today than it was yesterday I can only hope this a steep in the right direction.

Dude, I drank until I was so drunk I would wake up in different country.... Not kidding.....

What did I do, I stopped hanging out with people who drank as well, and CONVICTED MYSELF that I was not being a responcible Man. That I was causing serious harm at some point to others....

You have to put others first.

I dont think I ever woke up in another country but thanx for ur words I plan on doing it this time and plan on using this group as a means to vent when I feel alone drinking was a way for me to cope maybe even forget time had past me by. Stress can be hard on a person and feeling alone in a world the size of our can be difficult. I need to get out of my depression and move on I've spent the last 20 years living in the past and never trying to obtain and conquer what the future has for me. Let it be known that my time has come and I will take advantage of every oppurtunity.

Live like a lion not a loser, live like a champ, not a chump.

When you get up everyday, grab life and make yourself a winner!
keep having the thoughts that you can beat this and you will, and stay away from negative people.

Good morning all hope everyone is having a successful day. Doing well so far not feeling stressed just woke up though. I go back to work today but I really love my job so it helps me through the day. On my way to work out before work. If any one needs to vent or just talk give me a shout I am a good listener.

God bless stay strong.

hey hun, glad to hear you’re doing good this morning. hope you give us an update of how work went today. god bless you to hun and same back at ya we’re here to listen to you to.

Thanks will keep u posted

please do hun, you are helping this alcoholic to stay sober. whether venting or sharing a good thing that happened today to just a good morning, when ever one alcoholic shares with another…there is majic!!! may i ask where abouts in texas you live or would you rather have that annonymous?

Today I'm thinking of my plan. I feel I have two good friends in this world and I'm gonna let them know about my decision to quit drinking. Will they understand I'm not sure but hopefully they will be supportive and understanding. Does any body have advice about what I plan on doing.

hey south texas! mine opening to telling my friends was when they had to come pick me up from jail. they were not aware of the extent of my drinking so just took it from there. hopefully someone else on the site can give you something you can use…good luck hun

Ms Kathy I live in south Texas bordertown growing here is just along for trouble
Liquor was openly available to me since 14 being able to go to Mexico and drink every weekend was the norm. I feel like I'm going through a maturing process that was long due. Thanks for the support.

ok south texas, wow mexico…i’ve always been afraid to go to mexico in fear that they would’nt let me out…

when we start drinking we stop maturing so when we stop drinkiing we have lots of catching up to do. no hun, i thank you for the support. you really do help every time you post. we can start a mutual admiration society hehehe have a good one hun