ok I feel like I am full on losing it, I am really struggling with something and it is crushing me the pressure and stress of it all I just wish I could learn to live my life on my own, not depending on outside forces and vices it just would make life a lot better if I could learn to pull strength from a source that was inside me not something that I have too depend on, tonite right now I feel like I am not going to make it....i am just so tired of things being so difficult, l just want a little break a little peace I am just afraid that it is not going to come fast or soon enough
Hi Sneeze. What is going on that is causing this stress? Is it work? Family? Relationship?
Bear take a deep breath and take a little time out for yourself to not think, or re-focus. feel free to write as much or as little as you want here in regards to sharing. we are all here to help you through whatever it is that is bothering you.
Please hold on! Prove to yourself you are strong enough! We are here to listen.
You guys thank you so much for all of your advice and support, it just feels like everywhere I turn I get kicked in the teeth. I really hope I can phrase this the right way because it is very important that I do.. I am not suicidal however lately I have found myself thinking about how if I weren't here 1st very few people if any would notice my absence, 2nd for those who did notice and were affected would have a shockingly easy time getting past it and grieving they might have and move on very quickly and last I just want all the hard stuff and the second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour pain and torture to be gone.
I wish I could find a way to find some happiness again, not have perma-grin just not feel tortured by my thoughts 24/7
it will pass smile
it will return and pass again, then smile
As a man thinks is his heart, so is he.
Addiction, whether it be alcohol, drugs, or whatever, is a THINKING disease. I know for a fact that it is trying to kill me, so I takes steps to prevent it from controlling me and my thoughts.
Whatever your addiction is you have to take action. Get to a meeting and most importantly talk about it :-)
Our mind is our worst enemy...
yea it sucks carrying the weight of the world around you sometimes but you just got to keep going
hey all soory if this doesnt make alot of scence or spelling isnt quite right just flipped out went on three day alc -drug binge i dont know what to say except help.....
bear sorry for putting my crap on your page not sure how this works but i can say your not alone i hope life is a little kinder to you in the future . peace.
I have been thinking like you for a while now. But then there is a part of me that wants things to be different and better. I now have a little one to think of and I need to find the strength to get passed all this. try to start thinking positive. Find somethig that you can enjoy and take your mind off of worry. I know its easier said that done and Im struggling with this myself.We atre all here for you and just continue to push yourself.
What is "all the hard stuff"? Go ahead and make a list if you don't mind... I'll set to watch so I know when people post.
I really understand where you're coming from without having to hear all the details. Its frustrating going for the gold everyday and by each evening you're stumbling behind everyone in the race. Today I don't feel too good. I've got work tomorrow. I was unemployed for a while though and I really value having just a little something to keep me going. Still, I feel beat up day to day breathing these city fumes walking around lonely, thinking no one cares about me. If you look at just that part of the stress alone you'll be surprised to know that strangers on this earth show compassion for each other. You would be missed by three to ten times the amount of people who know what your face looks like. If they should ask as well "hey whatever happened to?" you want it to be a move, a promotion, a marriage which is the reason you are not around - for that they will rejoice. When you leave this world you disappoint people if you didn't go out heroically . Keep that in mind. Just push through the days and you'll get what you want and need. I took some steps backward the last couple of days but I'm ready for the rest of them now and am glad I get a chance to grace them. Do the same when the pills, pressures, and burdens get to be too much. Everything last for a time.
Remembering the days when I was having a good day and thinking this would be a good day to die. This way I would die happy.
Feeling like the only reason to live is for my animals I mean they would all be gotten rid of and my kids would grow to forget me more and more and my husband would then have a chance to move on and find someone with no mental or major health issues.
Trying to say okay things can’t get any worse than this and I am still here now. Then if things get worse (and it does happen a lot) I just say it again things can’t get any worse than this and look I am still here at this moment and I know things have to go up.
Things I have had people say to me. God only gives us what we can handle. I feel like this is incorrect however many times. So it can’t get worse than this works for me. I have a faraway friend that is using this now and it has helped her. Remember keep trying different things until you find one that helps.
sharing the pain is a good first step. finding a good counsellor is also a good step - an objective listener who can help you find solutions (its helping me). Remember your friends and family cant read your mind, confide in one of them whats going on - you'll be pleasantly suprised how many people you know care and how many have had similar experices.
Tkae care and god bless
hey Bear,
what makes you think that people don't care about you? what sets this off? did they day anything like that?
i know what you mean though, i wish too i could just be happy because of ME rather than being dependent on what others think or being happy FOR them.
I'm glad you let your frustration out here though, what else would we do, right?!
There is a book, it's one of those free ebooks you can read online. Although it's called Revelations 2010 The Cynic's Bible, it's not for tradionally religious people. It's for people who have been tested to the limit. It's about life, death, loss and why we are here. It's about figuring out how God applies in your own individual life. This short book gave me great comfort. I believe it will help anyone in crisis find hope again. I read it at www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/Revelations-2010-The-Cynic-s-Bible
and also have since found a link on facebook.
Good luck!