Loosing the battle day by day

iEach day I wake up & tell myself its a new day, I'm going to do it different.
By the end of that day I've failed. Its more than not having the emotional strength & willpower it's a physical battle. The pain is more than I can stand. I numb. Myself the best I can with the pills because I fear what I would do if I had to face it on my own. Its this vicious cycle that comsumes my life one day after the other. I havnt lost sight of what is most important to me, just the path of how to get there.

Hi danidowner, Welcome to SupportGroups.com . I understand how it is to start your day planning for it to be different then having failed by the end of it. When you mention pain, what type of pain are you talking about? Have you seen a doctor for help? Keep sharing with us and letting us know how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Yes the very pain I saw the doctor for is how I ended up addicted in the first place. I have migraines & cronic pain due to some back problems, but considering my body has become dependant on my addiction when I try to stop them everything hurts.