Losing weight...fast?

So I weighed myself about a week and a half ago and then weighed again a couple days ago and there is a 20lb difference in the numbers. I'm not complaining about that, I'm concerned that I am so anxious about everything and anything that I never eat, the thought of food repulses me, but if I don't eat I feel like I might be worshipping the porcelain god. My anxiety is ridiculous, I'm always anxious about something, waiting for something bad to happen or just waiting and feeling a general sense of panic, even though there is no reason to panic. The only thing I've found that truly helps is Xanax, but the military (still technically married to my ex) doesn't seem too keen on prescribing that to people. I can't win for losing. And I'm tired of being anxious and worried about something when I need to be focused and moving forward with life.

I understand what you mean. Our emotions don't come with an on/off switch. Sometimes it can be hard to focus on something when we are feeling a certain way. I hope things get better for you soon.

You are not alone. I have anxiety too. when it gets bad..it REALLY gets bad. i loose tunz of weight, i have terrible fears, i get physical symptoms, and feel just gross!!! i just started a medication called lexapro! they said its the TOP anxiety medication! i hope it works because i really need the help of a medication! Maybe you should consider seeking help or trying an anti depreesant when your anxiety gets out of control. thats what i do and it helps..also i find that exercize helps with anxiety! good luck, hang in there hun! your not alone in this..trust me! i know plenty of people like us! and its a good feeling to be able to share it;)