Loss of my daughter

I'm 21 years old. I found out I was pregnant in May of this year. It wasn't long after I found I was pregnant that my boyfriend left me. When I was almost 15 weeks pregnang I found out that I was having a little girl. I also found out that she was very sick. She had a large cystic hygroma on her neck and had a lot of fluid through out her body. It tore me apart. I stayed as strong and positive as much as I could. Each doctors apt I went to they told me she most likely wont make it to term. It broke my heart. I was 6 1/2 months pregnant when I went to and ultrasound and they told me the worst news of my life, my baby girls heart stopped beating. I couldn't believe it. I was addmited into the hospital right away. After being in labor for 14 1/2 hours i gave birth to my precious little girl. She only weighed 1lb 4oz and was 9inches long. The hospital was great with me. I was able to spend a lot of time with her that day and was able to get pictures. It was hard to leave the hospital with out her. After leaving the hospital I had to plan the funeral for her. I never thought I would have to go through the lose of a child. Not sure how to get through all this. I'm so hurt and torn apart.


its just not fair that the shocks have come all at once like that, and my heart goes out to u,

giving birth and not having a baby in your arms is something noone else can know about unless they have been there, the feelings of being cheated, devastated and just alone are mind numbing, my daughter all so had a still birth and we have lots of pictures of her daughter and we visit her grave often just to chat about what she would be doing now and to show we care

make sure u seek medical advice during this time as the sheer living on your nerves can cause underlying problems if u are not aware of them

time does heal the loss but dont worry take things at your own pace and chat about her as much or little as u need to

as always
loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

Sorry to hear that your daughter had to go though with the loss of a child. The doctors told me to schedule an apt with them four weeks after the loss. Today has been four weeks so within the next week i will go for my check up. I'm so scared to hear what they might say. Even more scared that they will tell me i will never be able to have my own kids. Im taking one day at a time but sometimes i juat feel like i can't do anything at all. I have a lot of days i just cry.


thats all my child did for the first six months was cry about her loss, the ache inside she was feeling

and im glad u are gettin help that made all the difference to my daughter as well

if u cant carry a child to full term there are many other options open to u and u are young so u have time to explore them, we adopted our lot as it was the only option open to us

keep smiling

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I know that there is always adoption and I would love to give a child a home who parents didn't want them. I also want to have my own. There is nothing better then the feeling you get when your little baby is inside you. Kids are my passion and I would do whatever I could to help any child out in need. Just feel like I wasn't able to do enough for my little girl.


u did all u could for your child and probably more than some do, i always wanted my own child just so i could feel it suckling at the breast, the proof that sealed our relationship and made others know we had loved and produced a child, sadly it wasnt to be but we still have a great family and have survived more than fourty plus years of our relationship dispite or mayb because of the kids

dont worry about the future ive found it takes care of itself when its time to

hope u have a good day
loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I just feel like I have lost everything. My babys father wastn't around for any of it. When i found out she was sick at 15 weeks i made sure i got a hold of him to let him know. He promised and promised me that he would step up and be there. Sure enough he wasn't there. When i was in the hospital i tried to let him know and it took him days to call me back. At that point it was too late. I planned the funeral without his help as he promised he would be at the funeral because he wouldn't miss his own daughters funeral. But as i stood there waiting for him to show up he didn't. It broke my heart that he didn't care enough...I miss her so much and wish she was in my arms. Yesterday, i had a lady come up to me and say that she prayed to god i would lose my baby. I broke down after hearing that. I mean who says that? Not sure what i should do.

I cant imagine the pain your in... My heart goes out to you! You did everything you could for your daughter... She was for some reason made an angel to soon! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Thanks...its hard but im trying to take one day at a time. I know i did the best i could for her just doesn't seem like it was enough.


i truely believe that your little one was called home to watch over u from above, u need to give yourself credit for all you did for her and not dwell on anyones faults or lack of commitment, u and u alone did more than enough for her, she will always be a part of u but it does get easier in time,

sometimes its not their time to be with us for what ever reason and i suspect that god didnt want your angel to suffer anymore than she had too

i know its hard but try to smile today

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

dear girl I cannot really find the right words to say to tell you how I feel about your loss of your daughter. It is so sad that the father didnt step up, but sadly I cant say that surprises me.
I have had a difficult life full of pain and abuse but I cant imagine the loss of a child. My two sons are the whole center of my life, I dont know what I would do if I lost them. I want you to know that I was a nurse for many years, as tragic as this is it shouldnt mean you cant have children. So many things have to go right in the development of a baby that sometimes something occurs that leads to a death. I had four misscarriges, it wrenched my heart out each time. Then I had five yrs without becoming pregnant. I was told I could never have children. When I was 31 and had given up I suddenly found myself pregnant.I had some difficulties but I had my beautiful son who is now 23. Then I decided to try again and with no problem had another boy, who is now 20. You are young, I dont think there is any reason to assume you cant have healthy children . I cant imagine what provoked that monstrous woman to say something like that to you, all I can say is there are some awful vicious people in this world. There are good men out there too and you have lots of time to have a family. You have taken the chance to grieve for your baby girl, and that will help you heal, that and time. Most likely you will go on to have a happy family and healthy children. You wont forget her,many times I think that I should have six kids. But I adore my two and you will be happy again. Just give yourself time and go at your own pace. I had many people tell me they werent real babies and I should just get over it. The nurse in the hospital after my first one told me I should get up and get out of the bed after four hours because "all you had was a d&c" it horrifies me that people can be so cruel. Turn your back on them, and know you will always find support here . Let me know how you are.

Yes, there are a lot of cruel people out there. Getting ready for the holidays are the worst for me right now. I have so many mixed feelings right now. Some days I don't even want to get out of bed. It boke my heart that her dad wasn't there for any of it. I have been through a lot growing up including physical and emotional abuse. I know i am still young but all that runs through my mind is that im not good enough. My baby girl made me the happiest. I never thought i would have to go through losing a child. I know she is in good hands and that she is no longer suffering but it doesn't take the pain away. I don't know what to do.