Man-Speak Translated

I love this article as it translates man-speak and really gives helpful tips and guidance on what he says versus what he really means;

"There's an old joke about a wife who nags her husband, "Tell me how you feel." Finally, the husband blurts, "I feel...I watching television."

The awful truth is, most men have no idea how they feel at any given time. Studies show that men use language to establish difference, separateness and independence (exactly the opposite of women, who talk to connect). So demanding that he talk to you is guaranteed to make him squirm and start rambling about whether new Cheerios really are improved.

Here are the answers and explanations to his biggest verbal 'Huhs?' (you'll be speaking like a native in no time). Take the cues from the following sections, so that you and your man can finally understand each other..."

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Source:, by Lisa Sussman

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