Many diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis actually have CADASIL

CADASIL is an inherited genetic condition leading to disabilities similar in nature early on to MS (especially "Remittant Recurent").

Many doctors are falsely diagnosing people with MS (such as myself and my sister) and then treating us for MS which worsens CADASIL.

If you or anybody you know has a history of family MS, family migraines, migraines with aura, transient ischemic attack, early stroke, early-onset dementia or more and have been told you have MS -- please do yourself a favor and get blood tested through Athena Diagnostics (the only lab which tests DNA for this disease at this time, I believe).

Please visit the Facebook page CADASIL support with the purple brain icon and learn more -- protect yourself!

Hi JTSA, thank you so much for sharing this important information with us. My uncle had MS, and it's so crucial for us to have as much knowledge about this as possible. Thank you!