My counselor is talking about us working on a meal plan together. I'm very nevous about this idea. I know this is going to be more cals and more food. Very scared about this. Is there more to a meal plan than this? I know what I'm putting in right now is keeping my weight steady. I would rather talk in counseling than eat more. Feeling very anxious. Din't know if I can do this part.
Just let them know how you feel, they are there to help and understand you. Try and have some say, if you introduce something and think it is not a good idea try to hear each other out.
Sharie...a meal plan can be one of the most useful and important tools for recovery from an eating disorder. It offers structure (which most of us want), precision and a sense of safety...that you are not eating too little, OR eating too much. It's like a guidebook, and you can begin to release the obsessions with food when you plan ahead and don't have to make decisions in the moment. It also helps your body and brain to restore to a point where you can focus better and the obessions will gradually decrease when your brain is getting the nutrients it needs. Even if the amount you are eating now is not affecting your weight, you may still be eating far too little. Your metabolism could be shut down to conserve the low amount you are eating. By eating a truly adequate amount of food, your metabolism will speed up, which will also help other body systems to work more efficiently. AND, your weight will likely not be affected much, unless the purpose is to help you restore weight. Counseling alone will not give you what you need for recovery. This is similar to 'the anorexic wish'...where people want to recover, but they don't want to gain weight. It cannot happen with both elements being dealt with. I know you are frightened, but it's worth are worth this!! Take care..Jan ♥
HAng in there, Sharie. I know it must be tough and yes, I'd be anxious, too. You can do this! I agree with Jan. I know it's hard and we all need to eat. I know I need to listen to my own words on this but I know we all can beat this. I know it will be hard at first, but as the process gets going it will become easier. I know when I start seeing someone about this, it will be tough at first, but I know it will get easier. Take care! Hang in there! Keep us posted! And don't stop texting me! I love hearing from you :) Love you, sis! Take care!
Thank you Jan, I'm not quite sure when she is planning on us working on it. I'm mentaly preparing myself for it. Her goal is for me to gain a bit of weight.
Olivia yes you do need to listen to your words too. Maybe I can help you with a meal plan when I get one. You can do this too. Thank you
:) Sounds good. I'll do my best. *HUGS*