Hello everyone!
I mostly need an outlet to vent but if anyone has has any practical advice feel free to chime in!
I am a team lead and I’m in charge of three people. I report to my dept head. Generally, I like my job but everything that say about middle management being a stressful position is true! I like my boss as a person but she is an objectively bad manager. She is the owner of the company so she doesn’t respond well to criticism and is very scatter-brained in general.
Anyways, she has a tendency to dump huge projects on my team and she is unaware of how complex they are. She will also forget stuff that she previously assigned to us and dump more work on us. She generally just has “oh you guys have time right? you’re such ROCKSTARS” approach that I think is meant to be friendly but I know comes across to my team members as phony. One of my team members is understandably frustrated and starting to push back. However, her way of handling it is not great either. She has some valid concerns, but it also feels like she’s built up so much resentment that she doesn’t want to do ANYTHING for our boss, even when the requests are reasonable.
So I’m stuck in the middle. I’m trying to make my manager more aware of how she’s coming across to people, and trying to get her to really grasp what she is asking my team to do with these big projects and help my team member understand that the way she is acting is going to create more issues for her long term and sabotage any chances we have of improving the situation. Generally, I’m frustrated with both of them. Also, HR can’t be trusted in this situation. There’s not a lot of trust there.
So here I am. It felt good to share that just to get it out. I know I’ve done everything in my power to try and create some balance here. Mostly looking for any tips on how to cope with the feeling of frustration and inability to get two grown adults to magically become self-aware and work together.