This is something I wrote a little over a month ago when I found out my boyfirend was using Heroin.....Dear Herion ..**** you.. It makes me sick to think of what you did, running through his veins like a toxic poison making him think you were good to him when all you wanted to do was slowly kill him from the inside out. Destroy his mind, body, and soul. You made a beautiful person ugly from the inside out...sucking the life from his eyes. I used to look at his arms and think they were sexy, veins running through them, now they disgust me i will never look at veins the same. You took my best friend away from me and made him lie to me ...something i held like glass in my hands, never wanting to shattered it into a million different pieces and for that I hate you.
Hi need more faith, So very sorry about your boyfriend. Is he still using? Are you two still together? What you wrote is so very true for drugs and alcohol. They destroy a person. But there is hope if the person is willing to reach out and get help. For support for yourself, you may also think about Alanon and/or Naranon . Those are support groups for loved ones of alcoholics and addicts. Keep sharing with us and letting us know how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))
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