Moderation Not Depravation

This is a good article where I agree with its overall idea of nixing deprivation when dieting and keeping the foods you love, though eating in moderation. I don't believe that diets work in the long-run, it's all about creating a lifestyle that you can stick to for the long-term;

"Instead of deprivation, restricting food groups or counting calories, new weight loss plans offer different approaches to slimming without feeling hungry.

"It's really a diet that brings food back on to the plate that people thought they were not allowed to eat," said Ellen Kunes, the editor-in-chief of Health magazine and a co-author with dietician and nutrition expert Frances Largeman-Roth of "The CarbLovers Diet."

Unlike other weight-loss plans that restrict carbohydrates, at least initially, the core of the CarbLovers diet is carbs and resistant starch, an ingredient in bananas, oatmeal, beans and lentils, wholegrain pasta, barley, brown rice, peas, polenta, potato chips and rye and pumpernickel bread -- foods the authors have been dubbed "carbstars."..."


great read, thanks pd :)

Thanks Lilac! I do believe in moderation in all facets of my life. I think extremes get us into trouble. Oh yes!

Yeah, sadly I'm a go big or go home kinda girl..which has gotten me into trouble with my weight...if only I knew then what I know now.

I know Lilac, I used to be the same way. It's never ever too late to change. You are well on your way :-)