When you go out and see a young boy 3-8 years old lets say that has a mohawk how does that make you feel. does it make you think that bad parenting is going on, does it look cute, funny, do you think that boy must be mischievious? What do you think?
Can you please state if you are in your teens, 20's, 30's 40's, or 50+. I don't need to knpow your age just an age range. I'll explain in my next post.
Thanks :)
I think of bad parenting and that the parents want him to grow up to be a renegade. I'm in my 30's.
Thanks for your post. i was asking because my son wanted a mohawk to be like his 18 year old cousin. My son is a wonderful, kind-hearted, and sweet boy (and so is his cousin)so I saw no problem with letting him. PlusI figured once would not hurt and it’s hair and will grow back. My Mom saw it and basicly said we were bad parents for allowing him to have a mohawk.
The more opinions i get the better i think i’ll understand where she was coming from. To me it is only hair and it will grow back but from an outsider who does not know the situation or the child I can see what you are saying and how it could look bad.
Thank you again!