More jealousy issues

As said in my previous post on this topic, I'm not sure what to do in this situation.
She (the girlfriend) says that it's not the friend herself that bugs her, but the two of us being friends that bugs her.
She says she'd be ok hanging out the three of us, but at the same time it seems like it won't help anything, cause I have been in her shoes.
She used to have this friend (they weren't super close, and don't talk anymore) and she'd try to include me, but it only made things worse for me.
I just really don't want to make things worse on her, and I don't want to lose this friend, and I also don't want to feel like crap all the time because of my choices.


hi hon so u are still dealing with jealousy it might just be time to accept the fact that whatever u do u will end up in the wrong with one of them but do not give up your friend.

friends are too hard to find when u are in need of one if u treat them shabbily, why not just work out a system where u spend time with your friend and your girlfriend spends time with hers that way everyone will be happy

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)