Multiple infidelities, but with a desire to change - Is it possible?

A week ago, I discovered that my significant other of several years had been having phone sex, text sex, and intimate conversations online with several complete strangers. In addition, I have found out he has slept with a few co-workers, and his ex girlfriend 5-6 times over the duration of our relationship as well. Words cannot describe how I feel, but knowing that the last 3+ years of my life have all been a lie, is really hard to take in.

When I first caught him, he told me about the phone situation, how he has done it since he was a teenager, and has even been caught by previous long term girlfriends, and forgiven for it. Said he hated himself for it, and wanted to change. A few days later, he admitted how regularly he did these phone relationships (whenever I was not physically around him), and the girls he had physically been with, every time I went out of town to visit family/friends.

He told be he doesn't understand why he did all of it, never felt good about it. Said he hates hurting me more than anything, and truly wants to change. He cried, looked completely defeated, and said he didn't think he could ever love someone ever again after me.

My head has been spinning as I try to figure out how to get past it. I think it would be much easier if he told me he never cared about me at all, and that he wanted to keep doing it. But he's admitted that he wants to change, that he truly wants to become a better person, and hates the thought of losing me. I have found the strength in myself to talk to him, read the bible with him, and discuss how he can get better, and he has already taken steps, changing his phone number, deleting these chat accounts, sharing passwords and, what I believe to be, true feelings of repentance. He has also agreed to start finding himself in religion by attending church, and seeing a counselor to kick the addiction. All the while, this has helped me to feel a bit better - but I can't help but wondering if I should just be walking away anyway.

As hard as it would be for me to cut all ties, people keep telling me, if he really wanted to change, he'd have done it by now, the first time he got caught by his ex. The sensible side of me recognizes that he has never had anyone in his life to help guide him to a clean life - including me because I was never aware of the problem - but where do you draw the line?

As an adult, you should know the difference from right and wrong, but I also know that addiction can be a hard thing to overcome, especially when its a secret and you're alone in it. I want to help him, but my friends and family all tell me that I am better off walking away. Starting over on my own. This is a person who I had discussed marriage, children, and a solid future with. I feel in my heart he needs help, support - that I just need to get him help, but am I doing more harm then good by taking this initiative? Are these actions things he needs to make on his own? Is he even strong enough to do it alone? Is anyone?

Has anyone else had first hand experience with anything like this - where multiple infidelities took place, but forgiveness was so badly desired? Do I work with him to help him, or do i guide him in the right direction, and walk away, to see if he can make it on his own? Any input would be nice, from either side of the spectrum. I am at a loss, and need help.

Hey LisaMae, I have been cheated on in the past but I have never experienced anything like this before.

This is quite a complex situation, I can see why you are so confused, you are afraid that he has an actual problem and don't want to leave his side, but you maybe concerned that its all any act and he is only pretending his sorry just because he was caught out, and go back to his own ways.

Have you ever considered that he might have a sexual addiction?

I'm sorry to say but, if i was in that situation, I would leave, I would be unsure if hes telling the truth or not. But if it was a problem and he loved you that much , would he not care about you enough to tell you, so he wouldn't hurt you anymore. Anyway, have a think about and keep us updated, have a look at the sexual addiction page on wikipedia and see those any of the symptoms resemble that way he is acting.

Stay strong and positive and keep us updated :)

Good Luck.

A x

Thanks for the message.

I very strongly believe what he has is an addiction. I can't say for sure, but I feel like he never told me about it because he was embarrassed of it. He would fall into periods of obsession where it was worse some months then others. He told me he never wanted to do it and was confused why he ever felt so compelled to do so. I know, I can't say for sure that it is truly an addiction or if he is a compulsive liar, but I can't seem to find any other reason why he is so willing to change and be open about all of his infidelities with me. What would it get him to be so open and honest, as well as giving up so much of what has been "getting him by" for so long? Perhaps he thinks lying will keep me, around, but for what purpose? I have all of his passwords, he's changed his phone number now, and I have full access to his phone records. He's given me his ex's phone number (and yes, I've contacted her about the situation.) At this point, it would be harder then ever just to go back to the way things were with the women he did things with this whole time.

I know I have to take into consideration that maybe he really does think he can get away with it again at some point, but what is the point? Why would he want to work so hard if he was truly unhappy with his actions and wanted to change? He has told me that he wants to go to counseling, not because I suggested it, but because he wants to do more then just say he "isn't going to do it again", he said he wants to be able to be truly happy and be able to share 100% of himself to the ones he loves so someday, he can start a family. In all of this, he has made it clear that he could never expect my forgiveness, and if i choose to move on without him, he has done it himself and cannot even begin to beg me to stay, because he knows what he did was inexcusable.

Words are only words, and until he seeks out this counseling, I can't say for sure. I'm so confused. My attitude about this changes on an hourly basis it feels like. I want so bad to believe him, but I also want so bad to end my pain - because if I stay with him for the long haul, its gong to be a long time before I can find pleasure again also.

Just take a moment and ask yourself a few questions...
"Would I be able to get over what he has done to me?", "Do I still love him?", "Could I see a future for me and him?" "Does he still love me?"

If you don't have any positive answers then maybe its not a good thing to stay with him and definently a no!. If you answers yes or to all of them then maybe you should try and give him a chance. Let him go to counselling, continue to keep close watch on him for a while then you will know if he is telling the truth or not. I know it will seem like your a watch guard or something but its the only thing I can suggest to you if you are unsure. You give the relationship a try for a while to see if it will go anywhere. And if you see he actually has a problem and wants to fix it you can stay by his side, but I would strongly suggest if he gets out of hand again, by cheating, just leave him. You deserve better than that :)

I hope I helped in some way to come up with a conclusion.

Good Luck with your decision :)

A ♥

You've been a great help - so many of my family and friends tell me that "there's no such thing as sex addiction" and "once a cheater always a cheater", but my heart is telling me to help him, because the time we had together was the greatest love I have ever known.

I have never been able to share so much of myself with someone - and I truly can still see a future with him as of now, but only if he successfully continues down the path for help. The second he turns his back the other direction, I know I have to give up on ever having back what we had, when we actually did have it.

Thanks so much, and I'll keep you posted on how its going.

Thats great that you have find a conclusion to this worry, I hope now that it works out for you and you can move on from this and look forward to a happy future. Just remember to tell him that this is his one and only chance to fix it :)

Good Luck LisaMae, I wish you the best of luck in everything. I hope hear from you soon on how everything is going.

Stay Strong and Think positive. :)

A ♥

LisaMae, please be careful w/yourself as you seek answers sometimes one finds more then they ever wanted to know & that stays w/a person a long time.

All my strengths friend.


Thanks April,

I think the hardest part for me right now is letting him help himself. He's come out with so many truths at this point, I'm sure that knowing any additional ones won't help me solve or understand anything. We have moved past the truths stage (for now), and are currently working to get him, and I, help. I've started a workshop to focus on myself, because I know, this is going to be something that effects our relationship - if we so decide to stay in it - as well as future relationships if we so choose to go separate ways.

Like I said though, I am finding it hardest to not want to step in. To talk to him. I feel better when we talk - even if its about what he's done to me. I guess I'm taking comfort in the fact that I know he's sorry and he wants to get that help - and also knowing that he wants to be with me. Part of me doesn't know how to forgive him, part of me knows I don't have to do that right now - but I wonder, is it healthy for me to keep talking to me, or to maybe even see him at some point?

My biggest fear is that I will get too close for him to see his problem as clearly, and he'll go back to the aweful things in time because he won't have as vivid of motivation anymore. Thoughts?

Excellant & wise decision to focus on yourself & yes in time it does affect ones thoughts about the other person & how they view them & when one reflects on whats happened realizes that seeing the cycles of another persons self destruction & looking over their shoulder all the time is wasted energy in life & emotionally exhausting. An addict is an addict, relapes do occur so all you can do is be supportive if you want to & if he continues then you may have to make other decisions. In my case he just hid things more (so he thinks) & I decided he has be responsible for his own actions & what he creates for himself (I'm married 19yrs.) so do you best FOR YOU.

Take care of you.


So I woke up today confused. I invited my partner over last night to talk and have a bible study. He's been doing so well. He's open and honest with me more than he ever has been. He's telling me things from his youth, about how masturbation and porn affected him, and to the extent that it took over much of his life. He's told me his feelings, his thoughts. How he, too, is scared about what might be and how difficult he knows this process is. For every question, there was an answer, and it wasn't a half answer, it was an answer, with openness and honesty - about what he did, how he did it, when he did it. I know that there will always be a question of, is he telling me the truth, but last night I felt closer to him then I ever have in the entire time we spent together "before" knowing the truths. We had a good bible study, discussing religion, thoughts, feelings, etc. Something we could have never done before all of this. At the end of the night we shared a kiss that was more intimate than any kiss I'd ever shared with him. I went to bed on a high of happiness, feeling like going slow, being open, and sharing some bits of intimacy (limited of course) are the only things we can do right now until more future unfolds, and it feels refreshing to be so close to him again, with such hope both of our lives to be better then they ever were.

This morning, I woke up happy, but felt a sudden rush of confusion. Not about my relationship with him (and I am aware this process is far from over - and there is always a chance he may change his mind because relapsing, well, it would be much easier than any of the life changes he is making) but my confusion set in with my family and friends. These people have been there for me, listening to me, through the tears, the pains, all very much seeing only that this is a man who was unfaithful to me, filled with lies and terrible tendencies. What sort of a friend and family member am I to rely so heavily on there support, just to open myself up to being with him again some day? I know - I have to do what I feel is best for me, but everyone seems to think that I don't know what's best for me.

Having been a person who struggled with OCD when I was a child, I know where he is coming from, with the difficulties, the compulsions - I understand the "want" to do something that you don't actually want to do. I also understand how hard it is to go through it alone, and most of all, overcome. Although I held a typically very open and obvious illness, I was able to contain it on a private level, and never told a single person about it until I was an adult and had overcome it - alone. Sure, family would think some of my actions were weird when I was young, but I had always been a weird kid, and would chalk it up to something stupid. (I was a middle child of 7, so there wasn't a lot of focus on any one child mind you.)

I can't expect my parents and siblings and friends to understand, having never been in a situation remotely similar to mine or his - but I don't want to lose them, because they have always been there for me. I can't help but wonder, will forgiving, understanding, and working with the person I love push them away? I've told them this whole time how I want to help him, and they aren't surprised, thats my way - I always want to help and forgive - but they aren't keen on me going back to him. Am I being stupid thinking he truly wants to change? So many people tell me I can do better, etc etc. I have no doubt in my mind I could walk out the door and find a tomorrow that would be filled with happiness - but even so, everyone has their own faults, what's to say the next person I meet will not have something else that will cause me great pain someday in a different way?

So, here I am, stuck in a place filled with hope and happiness for both my partner and I, as well as fear of a life of un-acceptance from the people who have always been there for me. Talking to them won't change there opinions of him - but I can't walk away from him yet. He says he wants to work to become a person who will deserve me - so understand, even though we are at an agreement in ourselves where we are in this together, we have decided to maintain a certain sort of friendship before any sort of relationship can unfold. He's a different person in my eyes - not the one who hurt me, but a man who is honest, open - caring in a way no one has ever shown me before on such a personal level. But I'm at a loss. I truly don't know what to do anymore.

As a parent we sometimes cant bare seeing our children repeat experiences/history that we have been through in life & yet need to let them have the ups & downs, good bad or indifferent while it bothers us to watch it unfolding so they too can learn better ways just like we eventually did.It is a process & parents too in time will notice a difference even though skeptic, its just the way things are sometimes. When one truly wants to believe in change yet others have experienced a different outcome before its hard to convince them.

Just keep enjoying the moment for now & let the rest be.

All my strengths.


You are a strong person. I just want you to know that it takes a strong person to stay and a strong person to leave. You decide what your willing to do for yourself. You are NOT responsible for him OR his actions. Life is SO short. I would, and have, left this a LONG time ago. The key for me was to not degrade him as a person, but to be clear that I thought he had a problem and needed help and *I* could not help him, he needed a professional, but that I could not be a part of that any longer. I told him I would always care, but I could not live like that any longer and *I* went and got my life back and myself back. You can love someone and leave them......sometimes it is the best thing you can do for them. I will pray for your situation, that you find clarity in your thoughts and peace in your decisions.

lisamae - i understand your confusion, i only have doubts about the gravity of my situation when my friends give me their opinions, ususally to the negative - ie: "get the HE!! out of there", and then i find myself giving him grief, acusing him of things he didn't do, and pushing their doubts onto our situation. i hate that, in my own mind i'm confident that we can make it through this, but when outside opinions, who can't possibly know the whole story, who can't possibly understand what we have discussed, who can only see from the surface what it looks like, can't make my decision for me. protect yourself, keep your own self-identity, keep checking on if you think he's lying, but go with your guts, always keeping a little bit back incase you get surprised by his actions, or his decisions. if he breaks confidence again, you want to be insulated, even just a little bit. but trust in yourself, and your gut reactions. you love him for a reason, you trusted him before, maybe you can trust him again.

Red, I understand that thought of "Run dont WALK to the nearest exit" sometimes for alot of us & we really can achieve certain objectives & goals together w/the ones we love or did love at one point in time but rather NOW have a history together. One has to consider & keep in check their EXPECTATIONS of others & give the ones credit that will go over & beyond the call of managing & teaching/learning for themselves w/our support/guidance/love but not take it all on ourselves.

LisaMae, Red has given you good advice & yes gut instincts will be guiding you.

I admire all of you, its alot of information to take in & try to breakdown & process & survive.

Take care friends.
