we have had a muder/suicide with in our extended family unit. and added to the grief the family pet has also been put down due to poor health. i would just ask for those so inclined to send prayers as the devastation is great as you can imagine. the children were present (ages 1 and 3). thank you all. i may or may not be on the site as often withine the next few days as i am going to try to give strength and a listening ear from my own experiences of the last year.
thanks as always for your ungoing continued support for what ever i have had to endure/face in the past year. would appriciate any words of suppor that i can pass on to the survivors of such tragidy
OMG Kathy, I am so sorry!!! Yes, yes yes we will all be praying. I am so incredibly sorry. One of my best friends had this happen in her family too!! It's the worst thing imaginable. Please know that I am with you. The hand you feel on your shoulder, is mine.
I had messaged you wondering if you were ok. I'm so **** sorry I didn't see this until this minute! **** it I can be so fricken scatterbrained!! GRRRR
I have candles lit for you all and will wait patiently until you can come here and let us surround you with our love.
Oh my goodness Kathy, I am so very sorry for what happened, and express my sincerest condolences to you and your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please know that I am here for you, anything at all that I can do to help in any way. Love you lots.
ladies, just trying to regroup, yet again.....appreciate your sympathies and have passed on to the extended family. i am unable to get to services to far away. so i do my best in listening and i have some experience with mothers suicide to draw on as far as being able to share it part i know the shock and so on that follows.....it is said that god chastises those he loves and does not give more than we can handle (with is grace of course)....
in the words of mother teresa "i wish he did'nt love me so much"
as always the best support....not even money can by what you all give and i humbly thank you for your loving kindness which flows so freely in my direction. love you very much my friends
oh Kathy how devastating, how unbelievable, i am soooo sorry i cannot find words to say. you know you are in my prayers. what devastation and loss. this is unbelievable and nothing i could say would lesson your pain. remember those He is your friend, and He holds your hand i am finding this out more and more as i walk through my own suffering, and you know i pray the rosay every day and will mention you all the more fervently now.
all my hope that you will find consolation and faith that Jesus is holding on to you tightly and the Blessed Mother will wrap y ou in her robe of peace for comfort, and my loving kindness, your maria
"if you reflect on death and impermanence you will be begin to make your life meaning full"- Dalai Lama Nothing is so tragic is what you must be going through I will pray for you even though I do not know you, and I know in the long run, this will make you even stronger Sam
thanks sam, per previous, just been thru this with mom last year and it does make one reflect of the frailty in life and can produce more awareness of our own mortality as well as all of those around us…i also know that death is yet the begining of the best chapter of all. but gotta get there ya know? “for this day you will be with me in paradise”
Kathy, I am so broken by your sadness. I read about horrors like this in the news but so close to home you can really feel it. Email me if you would like. People always say that they know what your going through but this is not the case, I have no idea what is happening with you right now. I am offering my prayers and condolenses, I'm sorry I have not got anything better. Oh, you also have my virtual hugs. I am so sorry dear. Please keep updates so we can be with you.
the one thing like about this group, is that the compassion exicts even if we are selves have not been thru a particular event. funeral 1 on saturday, funeral 2 on sunday…unless you have experienced such things it’s unimaginable. compassion moves across all walks/experienced and i thank you joey hun, your another one of those god sent folks that i am honored to have in my life.
Good morning Kathy, I'm wondering how my sweet sister is doing today? Have been thinking about you too. I LOVE your quote from Mother Theresa!! I'm going to save that one and tell my children and grands.
How is your pain and mobility today??? Do you think the surgery has improved things more lately or not? It's so dang hard to just continue gimping along, making smiles out of pain and making strength out of fear. I do though really hope that you do go to the Mayo and I'm serious that if you come to the one in Minnesota I will go there too as they've been dying to get me back and there and put me in a bubble and study me.... for 6 WEEKS!! I only live about 5 hours from the Mayo in Rochester MN.
well my darling suzee, i seem to have stumbled into meds that have made me much more comfortable. waiting to get into the doc next month that would be the pm doc to see if we can make this a reality. gimpy still small increments of minutes but the pain is less and the burning is less and i’m not even using the darm implant as they really makd everything much worse. but as we know it morphs does’nt it, the pain and so on. so i have my journal to keep track of what i take when and the results. now if i could do something about the depression that has moved in…ugh…one issue as a time my dear…i’m still here and plodding ahead and have you in the thoughts and prayers for all that you have to yet tackle in you quest to wholeness for you and your family. love sweetheart
I can't begin to imagine what you must be going through. But do allow yourself to grieve, allow your emotions to pour out. Don't hold it in - allow yourself to give away all that you may be holding in side. Tears are one of the simplest things, yet they can provide the greatest of releases. Allow yourself to rest - allow yourself to sleep and even more know that you are loved. What you go through now is only passing moment. Hold on to tomorrow and the happiness and joy that it will bring. Allow yourself to hope and know that you are being strengthened and you will never be forgotten by the Great man upstairs :)
very caring and touching indeed but i must be honest that often i feel just as forsaken as jesus did. then we regroup. the toughest part for me has been d ealing with the physical pain, but may be on to something thay may help, time will tell. thanks for your kind words
My prayers are with you. I can really relate to what you are going through. I still have so much trouble with the murder/suicide situation of ones that were close.
dearest tools, not the easiest trauma to process in life, but do able, just got past mom of last year and daddy and now this …i would love to come up for air ya know? thanks honey
dear tools, i am so sorry to hear that this affected you as well, all my loving kindness goes out to you as well on this issue and know that you are included in my prayers as well dear one, you have been so kind to me in the past. i will pray for you too, and do pray for you already.
all my best with hope and faith in Our Great God who does not desert us even in these trying times of great desparation, your prayer warrior, maria