now peg, words fail you…haha…thanks honey, just a bunch to quick…thanks honey
Miss Kathy,
I am starting a Mother Teresa thread that you have inspired..
I hope you have the chance to read it and reflect and comment if you choose to. Please take care of yourself and do not take on too much, take time for you ...
My prayers are with you for strength and comfort Kathy...
i'm telling ya that woman had a profound life, humble, and when she spoke....just took my breath away. got a great book about her and just love it. we could all learn much from such a woman.
Kathy, I hope that you and your family are doing as well as can be during this very difficult time. I am praying for all of you and sending you peaceful energy.
I am so happy to hear that you have implemented new meds that are lessening your pain and burning, that's so wonderful. And keeping a journal is so smart, because this way you have the good and not so good moments documented. This will give you insight as to what's working and not working for you.
You are so strong; keep pulling from your inner strength and I am here holding your hand through this. Sending you lots of love.
loaded for bear honey and bringing extra amo....
peg, you'll have to let us know where the mother teresa thread will be, will love to see what you and others have to can ya say anything derogatory about her.....
Amen Kathy on Mother Teresa,I have a documentary here somewhere about her and man she was just so inspirational!
well it is under all the groups I am in, so i hope you can find it.
cocaine, depression, chronic pain, I believe i posted it in all of them.
just SOME of what she had to say
can learn so much from her..
I love her poem "do it anyway"
so I hope you find it dear....and I am hoping today is a good day..
thanks will look her up...nite nite
I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you and your family.
gabiella, thanks honey appreciated dear