update: the intensity of yesterday pushed some of my hysteria to the surface and- having no other alternative- i was FORCED to cope with it. let me clarify: forced to cope with the intensity... how to cope with my hysteria is another enchillada altogether. but a few tears escaped; a few truths were uttered; and i actually ASKED for a hug... yep! and that hug felt surprisingly warm and supportive.
i had myself somehow convinced that i would feel physical discomfort and emotional discomfort in a mutually exclusive way. wow, i was WAY off on that one! i am shocked and overwhelmed by the intensity of my emotional discomfort that ACCOMPANIES my physical discomfort. i am reduced to tears over cheese. i am shedding tears regarding textures. i am learning that many of my oddities are actually *behaviors* and will be challenged.
now i know that there are issues in the world far more devastating than me biting into a sammie...but... i am ashamed to say that it causes me SO MUCH PAIN. i am SHOCKED... and again, just embarrassed that these *behaviors* mean so much to me. whimper. tears.
but--- I HAVE MADE IT THROUGH EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY. i may have been the last one at the table. i may have quietly bitched to my babysitter [monitor]. i may have asked what my alternatives were IF i chose NOT to consume what was placed in front of me... but--- i did it, without any alternatives.
i can't stress enough how grateful i am for the rigid schedule here. i NEED this accountability. i NEED this detox. i NEED the sisterhood of others suffering also.
thank you for using your time perusing my post. my gratitude soars...
amy xo