My beginning

Not sure where to start. I have been drinking for 14 years, have 3 daughters, happily married, successful career, and now I am working on my health. I am 33 and recently quit smoking after 17 years. Haven't smoked in 50 days. Withdrawal from it was horrible, but now I have gotten through it. I will never touch another cigarette again. Not worth it at all.

I don't know how to describe my drinking. I drink almost daily, don't get drunk, I do not drink and drive, only in the evenings after sports and activities with my kids, but I know it is a problem. It is a health problem. I am on day 3 without drinking. Probably the longest stretch I have had in years. So far doing okay with no symptoms other than being tired even when sleeping good. But I am also doing a cleanse as well so I could be tired from that. I have read how bad the withdrawals are and I am terrified of it. I will not seek help from my doctor because he is a member of my church. I will however use this website and I have a great support system at home. But trust that I am not too stubborn if it physically gets too bad I will seek help.

I am very determined and I will not pick up a drink again. Being a happier healthier me is much more important. I am just so very scared of the withdrawal. It has actually kept me from quitting before, but now I have decided that it is no longer an option to drink anymore.

HealedbyFaith, I think that you are so strong and so amazing for quitting smoking and drinking. I know that you can make it through this and come out better on the other end of it. Please know that we are here to support you through this. Would you consider attending a local support group for additional help and support through this?

This site may be helpful and there is a phone number that you can call for help and guidance;

Thanks for the info puppydoglvr!

hi HealedbyFaith, you may not have a lot of withdrawal. I drank (usually beer) almost daily (or any opportunity) for about 20 years, lots of getting drunk after work thru my twenties and thirties. I didn't go through any physical stuff other than 1st few days (3) sweating (detoxifying) and anxiety, depression, but no hallucinations. I do know, however that some in my family have had the dts (more than once!). When in their drinking mode, tho, they would be drinking 26ers of hard liquor day-in day-out for months at a time.

I guess its hard to tell what will happen, but keep looking for all the info you can find on withdrawal so you have props in place in case

You are an inspiration with the smoking! I find that much harder to deal with than quitting drinking keep us posted, you're in our thoughts

Thanks for sharing hereinccr! I am on day 4 and so far only had one headache and some anxiety. Congrats on your sobriety!

Of course, please let me know how you are doing and how things continue to progress for you. I think that you are so amazing for taking these steps towards bettering your life.

hey you're welcome -- soon you won't have to be counting the days, it will be weeks, and then months

Am sober right now for health reasons also, although I have quit drinking and started again many times in the past (am an all or nothing kind of gal)but is not easy as it is such a lifestyle with all our friends and family (in fact I have been told that certain people like me better when I'm drinking!) and it is how I learned to cope with pain, so is nice to get kudos

take time to do something nice for yourself, however small, to congratulate each sober day, its important, you deserve it

A good thing for me is my husband is not a drinker. If he does drink it is like one or two beers just to make me feel like I am not drinking alone. It is nice to hear good job and all that jazz on here:) makes my day!

It's so helpful and wonderful that your husband is not a drinker, because being in an environment free of drinking is so helpful during this time and during the recovery process.

He did mention at one time that he isn't the one with the problem so why should he give it up. But just by simply telling him I needed him to, he did without complaint. I have been a much nicer person these days. I have always been a friendly fun loving person. But for some reason I had mood swings, been doing great with that so far.

It's so great that your husband is so supportive and that you explained that you really needed his support. And, I can imagine how being free of alcohol has really helped your moods, as it is a depressant after all. I know that when I am free of drinking, my moods are very stable and happy. When I drink, then the aftermath is never good, always feel very down and depressed for the most part. That's why I don't really drink anymore, I don't like the after effects.

Maybe the after affects is why I just kept drinking, so I didn't go through that. Last night I had a burst of energy and just started dancing in my living room. My girls thought I was losing it, but then they joined me!

Oh, that makes sense as well. I can see that being a reason to do so. Once I get over that feeling the next day, I never ever want to go back to it again, because it's really so icky.

I love that you started dancing around, that's so fun and fantastic! I love doing that. I think that this is all a sign of your body being rid of all toxins and feeling so good and energized.

Speaking of toxins, I am also doing a body cleanse while I am quitting drinking. I want my body to have a fresh start.

That's amazing! What type of cleanse are you doing? I have been thinking of doing a cleanse as well to rid my body of all toxins because I have been feeling super run down and tired.

I am doing Cleanse Smart. You can get it at any nutritional store I believe. I take a detox pill in the morning and colon cleanse at night, all nature. Google it and check it out. I have way more energy and it is day 4 and it is a 30 day program.

I totally know what you are referring to, I have seen this at the health food store. I will definitely get some and get going on it after my trip next week. I just don't want to start anything when I know that I am going to be away.

How is it working for you so far? Are you noticing a difference?

I notice I have more energy and I sleep well. I do however crave sweets and carbs, but I think that is the quitting drinking!

Okay, that's reason enough to do this cleanse; more energy and good sleep. I need both of those desperately and don't want to rely on caffeine in the morning for a boost of energy and a sleeping pill at night in order to sleep. Thank you so much for sharing this information with me, I am excited to try it.