My dad is dating a girl my age

I am new at this and I am having a really hard time adjusting to a few things in my life right now. My parents recently told me that they were for sure getting a divorce and my mom told my dad he could start dating people if that's what would make him happy. I don't really want to go into detail about their relationship but, nobody cheated. They just fought all the time when I lived at home and now I guess it's worse, which I don't know how it could be because it was bad when I lived at home. dad started dating a girl I graduated high school with. It was a HUGE shocker!! I wasn't expecting him to tell me he had started dating a girl I played sports with and even worked together. I would just like to hear some of your thoughts and maybe some of you have been through this! I would like to know I am not the only one that has to deal with something like this. Last night I found it very hard and thought I was going to have a panic attack because I had just gotten home from somewhere that they were at together. I have a 2 cousins who graduated with her also. I was only told about this 2 days ago. I really have nobody else to talk about it with because everyone that I do talk about it with, has never been through it. They don't know what it's like to deal with something like this! They can try to think about how they would act, but in all reality you have to be in the position to know how you would really act!


oh dear how horrid to find that u know the young lady and who wants to think of the parentals doing something so gross
sadly it could be an ego thing with your dad and he might need this relationship to make him feel young and wanted and dare i say it sexy to a nubile young girl to make his sense of self worth good again
try not to dwell on it too much it might just be the first scarey rushing into a new life with no clear view in mind but feel free to tell him how uncomfortable this relationship makes u feel and see what he has to say about it all

i agree that unless u have been there u cant have an opinion but those friends and family might be able to shed some light on his actions

take care of u

love D

Honestly, I don't know how to respond to that one.....

My fiance is 25 years older than I am. Mostly I looked at older men after my confirmation sponsor who was 30 years older did some unconfirmationlike activities around my body (no we never had sex though). I had been rejected (or their parents rejected me) by EVERY male my own age, so I started looking older b/c older men appreciate you more. I forgot to add that I was inappropriately called a lesbian by my peers. In college boys my age said, "Marge Simpson was hot when she was young." Almost exact quote.

My fiance said that his ex-wife ran off with another man to CA. I felt terrible for his children. I always wanted to be a mother.

It would be akward that you knew the girl in high school though. I didn't know my fiance. In fact, I knew not ONE person in the area. His friends are the first friends I've had in 20 years.

While I have not been in such a position, I can tell you I would be extremely angry with my father if he did something like that. Some things he's told me that can relate to this almost made me want to disown him, out of pure disgust so I can only imagine your situation. I would be so shocked and just disgusted. Let alone a girl your age but someone you personally know and graduated with? Not okay in my book, and highly disrespectful. I wouldn't bother being nice about the situation; I'd express my feelings to his face, or even both of them.