Im coming up to my 18th birthday which means im going to have to switch from the kids mental health service to the adult mental heath service or whatever its called. My councillor says sometimes they can keep some people on for longer but that its not always up to them but to be honest i dont want to carry on seeing i hate him i cant explain why but i cant talk to him and i feel uncomfortable around him. Anyway last time we spoke he told me he now thinks i may have aspergers syndrome or something similar which is what making my ocd so difficult to cure so hes suggested that i go see this private who specialises or something.everytime i go to see my councillor all he seems to do is diagnose me with something new as if depression and ocd isnt enough or get his boss to come see me or tell me how difficult my ocd is when all i really want is for him to tell me why i have to wash my hands all the time or feel dirty etc all i want is answers and he cant give them to me so what im thinking is if theres any point seeing an adult councillor because what if they are just as useless and i waste all this time seeing a new person and explaing my ocd because it took my last councillor ages to get it just to not get any answers again?! I dont know if i can risk this because i cant take feeling like this all empty and small and now ive finished school i havnt got any escape or anything to get up for and my councillor says seeing an adult person means i can start trying different types of medication other than fluoxotine which im on at the moment but i dont want medication it doesnt help. And now ive just had another argument with my dad no doubt sent up by my mother to talk to me. Anyway i just wondered if anyone had gone through anything similar i just want to talk to someone who wont calle me a freak who needs to get a life.
Bella, is there something tramatic that happened in your past,present that maybe attributed to your compulsion to wash repeatedly? It isnt always easy for counselors to assist people w/their triggers to compulse about something, its like trying to troubleshoot an engine usually finding something else going on combining w/the problems & if you feel uncomfortable w/this counselor then say something to them or someone you trust, there might be another that can help guide you or help in a different way the you might feel better with & learn from on how to help yourself. Keep talking & glad you found this site.