My gf is being extra annoying today, throwing fits, slamming

My gf is being extra annoying today, throwing fits, slamming doors, stomping around the house like shes some teenager. I realise its a huge cry for attention but I dont feel like feeding into her bull today. Whatever happened to good communication and using your words to tell me how you feel. Im dating someone older than me bc i like mmaturity. This high school like drama is so unattractive

This sounds like MOST of my boyfriends. Its funny how maturity just never seems to hit some people.

1 Heart

Ikr! It exhausting to deal with lol

1 Heart

She's looking for attention. Sometimes when people don't get positive attention they turn to getting negative attention. I know it's a little late now, but next time just give her a little love.

2 Hearts

@Rewindit yea love conquers all I believe

Hugs always work!! Especially when accompanied by a kiss on the forehead! I find it's a kind sweet gesture and it's hard to get or be mad after. Unless you've done something to totally piss her off. And if she had a bad day a "sorry you're having a bad day, anything I can do?"

1 Heart

@IAMMORE sounds good ill try that next time