My girl died of an overdose 7 weeks's tearing me up

My girl died of an overdose 7 weeks's tearing me up inside..I feel like it's my fault because of a couple reasons . I didn't call 911 soon enough and when I did I only said she took something,but I don't known what..So the police show up and search the place and question me as she lay there dying or dead...the firestation with paramedics is only a mile away..they arrive well after the police do. She only did it every so often.

I'm sorry you are having to go through this. It is tough when one of us goes too far. I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't blame yourself.

To make things even worse , her sister in law says I murdered Linda and it's my fault she's dead..And I do feel that way a lot..Linda was alcoholic,pill popping,crack using,and rarely using heroin user..She had some serious memory issues..I was becoming more and more worried as time went on

@lindasmissed But you didn’t make her choices for her. She did. There was nothing you could do that you had not already tried. Heavy addiction is a killer. She may not have listened to reason.