My girlfriend feels guilty about many things and it leads her to cut herself as a punishment. This makes her feel more guilty because she knows better. Her guilt is for many things, but mainly her thought us she has "hurt" people because of her decisions and actions. The irony is that she cares for people so much and derives happiness from always making others happy - never putting herself first. She has opened up to me about all of this. I'm probably the only one that knows besides her therapist. I finally got her to say she'll call me or text me if she feels the urge. Tonight she has text me for the first time when she was feeling the urge. She sent poems about her guilt and then wouldn't talk - told me she was going back to bed and to not worry. What is the best way to support her? What can I say to help her? Please - someone help me help her.....
You are her best support system... You constantly reminding her that you are there to listen is the thing that is preventing her from harming herself... With this kind of constant support she'll definitely get better... And thanks for helping her... She's much happy because you're with her on every step...