My husband and I just had a baby for respite while the foster family was out of town. He received his dx at 2.5 months old, he's almost 4 month old now. MRI is scheduled for the end of the week. His legs and arms are stiff/rigid but he is meeting all of his milestones! Has anyone else had an infant meet milestones with a CP dx? All 4 extremities move equally well.
1 Heart
I'm a quadriplegic, but I can walk, talk, feed myself and I graduated from college with honors. Keep your head up and keep up the good work.
Good day MegLadd why are you considered a quad?
@malakidaj because my arms and legs are effected by my CP.
My daughter is 23 was in car accident April 2014 she is now a quad and on a vent. I'm so happy u can walk hang in there & take it 1 day at a time 1 problem at a time
1 Heart
@malakidaj thank you you do the same too. You’re a very strong person yourself I’m sorry about your daughter.