My husband decided its best for us to seperate, he says he c

My husband decided its best for us to seperate, he says he can't work on himself and be with me. That its best that I leave. He and I both know I can't just pick up and go somewhere we share a whole house and life together its going go take some time and planning to seperate into different homes. He did offer to get his own apartment and me and the kids stay in the house till he figures out what he wants. It's going yo be hard go co-exsist together being that there are so many hard feelings and quite frankly I'm having a very hard time accepting things. I dont know how to be without him. Seperation is the first step before divorce. I do not want a divorce let alone to seperate. He has issues he is dealing with from his passed he experienced neglection and what he describes as getting palyed his whole life. Those demons are really bothering him its causes him to mistreat me and I have lashed out at him for all the time he mistreats me and it really got to him he says that he doesn't even understand why I would want to be with him still and it doesn't add up. When I married him I took vows and I meant every single one. We are suppose to wlk through life together no matter how stormy the storm gets. I can love him at his worst he replied with he can't love me at my worst and he needs to be alone. It hurts I told him that I love him threw any and everything and to please let me support him and be there for him. He doesn't want that. I'm devastated I haven't ate in 3 days barely have slept and all i do is cry this is seriously affecting me and I don't know what to do. I was thinking of seeking counseling but in the meantime I don't know how to cope and let my husband go. I told him I was scared that either way he's going to leave me. He said he wasn't really thinking about that but its a possibility and I needed to start thinking of a plan and brace myself. I'm devastated

hugs and support to you. Getting yourself some sacred space to heal is always an amazing thing. Counseling can help give coping tools to deal with the anxiety, hurt and anger. Would he be willing to join you every now and then at a counseling appointment? if you live in the states, calling 211 could link you up with some great resources! Hugs and support to you. We are here for you.

1 Heart

From Romantic Relationships to Divorce & Separation