My husband Died one week ago today. Though he had almost evMy husband Died one week ago today. Though he had almost

My husband Died one week ago today. Though he had almost everything ready for me when he passed, it is still so hard and so much to do! I laid him to rest yesterday. I was very strong at the wake and the funeral, but today I have such an empty feeling, My heart actually hurts.He did everything. I was treated like a princess. We also adopted a baby that I will have to raise by myself. I am praying that I can do this.

I am so sorry for your loss. Your husband sounded like an amazing guy. We would be honored to hear a little about him, when you feel comfortable. We are here for you.

So sorry for your loss. I cant imagine. You're in the right place here.

We would like to hear more about you and that wonderful man of yours, If I may ask how old is the baby ? Boy / Girl ? Hope you have a good support system. Bing123

From Mental & Physical Abuse to Grief & Loss