My little brother

My little brother has autism, ADHD, and mental retardation, and is non verbal. Its very challening to my parents and myself. But somtimes i just wish my prayers for him to talk would come true. Maybe someday it will, maybe it wont. I just wish my father could see my little brother as a blessing, because hes innocent, he gets a free ticket to heaven. And he teaches us patience, and mental strength. I love my little brother with all my heart, and i will never stop loving him. And ill always continue to pray for him. <3 LOVE YOU BABY D ! My question is.. how do i get my father to see the blessing of having an autistic child?

I am sure your father loves your brother very much but at the same time raising a child with special needs as severe as this can be a struggle. I believe every child is a blessing but he might not say he is but that doesnt mean he doesnt think it. Right now I am sure his head is full of worries for his son and about his future but to answer your question He may not show he loves him in the way you want him to but that doesnt mean he doesnt love him


mayb your father is fighting his own personal demons i know we searched to find if we were at fault when we got our little one many years ago if only we did this that and the other she would be able to do this that and the other

give him time its hard to judge from a distance what goes on in someone elses head just give them both space him to grieve for all the father and son things he wont ever get to do and let him come to terms in his own way

i know i grieve for the weddening she is never going to have and the babies that wont be here as a result so even after 26 years the sorrow of what we missed as mother and daughter still sneaks up and hits me when i least expect it
having said that i love my little one to bits and wouldnt want to change her at all

just be kind to yourself and dad and it will become better sooner than u think

love D

This hits home for me. When I was six years old a psychologist told my mother, your son is retarded and there isn't any type of therapy for his condition.
My mother said. I would get you ready and sit you on the floor and you would stay there. I didn't have to worry about you running off, your little brother I had to worry about. You had very little affection which you only showed toward the family pets.
There are a number of things your parents can do. First, start with stimulating his brain by engaging his five senses. With each new experience a certain part of the brain will be stimulated. If, your place a speaker with a million different sounds, his brain will be stimulated in a million different places.
Now, imagine doing this with all his senses. My psychologist Dr. House said. "I don't know how you did it. But, you have been able to rewire your brain."
A psychologist with 28 yrs working with people traumatized by severe head injuries. And working with two other psychologist to find a cure for autism. Said to me. I can see as child your brain was retarded. How you got better was through your spirit. the spirit inside is perfect and it helped you.
A psychology teacher at a University in California, had a loss for words when I share my life story with her. And she started one of the first places trying to understand how to treat autism. All she could say, Would you like to give my students a talk?
While listening to a group of mentally ill people talk about their life, two hrs a week for nine months opened a new chapter in my life. I had something special to share with people.
All they needed was somebody far worse to step into their lives to give them the confidence they needed to get better. I live with a number of mental illnesses, so well, my wife and kids can't recognize them.
You can find the answer to anything in life. Once, you find the desire to look for it. PS. He can feel emotions by what he notices on your faces. GET RID OF THE SAD LOOKS, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO FAKE IT.

Great post psych! My 2 year old nephew is autistic. I am just learning about this as nobody else in our family has ever displayed anything like this. He learns more words every day and is SUPER smart. 2 years old using an IPAD like a pro; spelling his name with blocks, saying ABCs nonstop. I recently spent 2 months watching him and his behaviors; quite interesting. Brianna, I see my sister and how consuming it is just having one, let alone one with some "quirks". LOL My nephew says about 70 words so far though. I know parents are tired and stressed and feel like asking "why us"? I think it is super important that they take breaks and get away for a bit here and there; even if it is for a movie or lunch just to clear their heads a bit. Non verbal must be super tough, but I know those who teach sign language and other ways to communicate. I hope it gets easier for them. That's so cool you love him so much and are trying to reach out to help your parents. Best of luck! :)