My loneliness in a nut shell

I push people away on purpose, not wanting to go through yet another very disappointing and unsatisfying relationship. No more drunks or drug addicts, or just plane losers users, and abusers!!! I am not perfect o.k. I will never be like your Momma or your Granny, but I am mostly understanding and fairly reasonable person. Now it turns out this is just the sort of person these animals prey upon, so this explains why I have gone through all these bad things in the past 5 years. What I am waiting for is the very nice and good guy, who will treat me like a lady, and will not let people walk over me in this way anymore. A person who understands me, and loves this anyway will live with this for a lifetime. It turns out this person is extremely hard to come by in are world, I hope it is not too late for me, but I do fear that it is almost every day now.

bubbles77 - you deserve to be with someone that loves you and treats you well. That person is out there, and as long as you don’t get stuck with the others you will find him. Keep looking, and gives guys a chance to get to know you, and let them know what you have gone through. Then you will find the right one that is patient and will take the time to get to know you and will wait for you to let your guard down.


im a great believer that everyone has that special someone waiting somewhere for them

dont give up hope of finding them when u least expect it and as victoria says take your time

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)