My long term boyfriend and I want to adopt and I'm not sure

My long term boyfriend and I want to adopt and I'm not sure how to prepare for this. It is very intimidating and extremely expensive. Does anyone have good advise for this?

a really great way around all that is to look into the foster system if you are interested. Many foster kids are in need of adoption and the process is usually much cheaper and faster. If you are set on adoption, it might be a good idea to look into getting married. Although marriage isn't an issue like it once was, if open adoption is something you are looking for, the two of you will be under scrutiny, some bio moms might not want to choose an unmarried couple, or course it isn't to say that it might not be an issue for many, but since the wait times tend to be so long, the red tape endless, and the hoops to jump through exhausting, it might be easier to have one less thing to explain.
Also make sure to clean up all social media accounts, so that your internet footprint shows the type of parents you might want prospective birth moms, and agencies to see .