My mom is a hoarder. She said she used to not have anything

My mom is a hoarder. She said she used to not have anything growing up. So she keeps everything, even wendy's spoons and to-go cups. But my garage is packed.I tried throwing away some stuff, but she throws a fit. How do I get the stuff out, and her letting go.

I'm sorry for what you guys are going through- it can definitely be hard when someone has ingrained in them the value of saving and also has that fear of having nothing again, so clings to what they do have-whether it be a wendy's spoon or to-go cups. I would try instead of directly throwing things away, having a talk with her while she is calm and expressing your feelings. Just try during the talk not to blame her or put this on her- but rather just express how it makes you feel and why it is important to you to have that space in the garage. Then maybe you can calmly ask her why she wants to keep this things and what significance they hold to her? It may make her think about it herself and really question her actions. It's important to come into the conversation without any judgment toward her actions, but rather focused on understanding her point of view and trying to help her let go. I wish you the best and know that we're here for you!!

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Hmmm sounds easy. I'll try that, and I'll post how it went. So stay tuned buddy.

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