my mother (60) is panicking over financial issues while my brother (20)has supported her in moving out of a chronic domestic violence relationship with our father. (62) My brother gains the primary income between he and mom. I have seen my sibling grow and prove he can be independent free of psychological abuse And torment brought upon by our family. We have siblings as old as 40. My mom has decided to move back with our father after a month of being away. My brothers financial status is not an absolute crisis as he had prepared. My father is still capable of harming others as he physically attacked me during the move by placing his hand on my chest and hitting me closed fist. our efforts to change and stop the cycle were useless.
Sometimes, as incredibly hurtful as it is, you have to step back from this toxic situation. As horrible as it is, she isn't ready to leave and injecting yourself into the equation is only going to make you targets for you father. Protecting yourself is really important. Hugs!
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