My mom has BPD and she is in severe denial. She was abused as a child, grew up poor and was consequently teased all through grade school. When she had me, she was 25 and my dad was 22 and on leave from Germany where he was stationed in the ARMY. Apparently they got along just fine up until my dad got out of the ARMY and came back home. That's when they got divorced and how my life began. I have never known my parents to love one another. I always say that I am living proof that they did at one time, but the only other proof I have of their love are pictures from when they were in college, which is where they met, and in the subsequent months after I was born. My dad got remarried, and although my mom dated, she never got married again. I don't know if this is the case with all BPDs, but I feel like my mom only has room in her heart to love one person at a time. When I was born, and my dad was gone, I filled the void my dad left behind. And because I was still around when my dad came back, my mom no longer loved him because she loved me. Of course, my dad didn't understand, and still doesn't to this day. I remember fights all three of them would get into, both physical and verbal, right before my eyes. MInd you, I was between the ages of four and probably 12 or 13 when the worst of the arguing occurred.
My mother loved me, a lot. I remember all the way through school, even in high school, she would pack my lunch for me. But when she did, she would pack everything separately. My sandwich would be deconstructed in several baggies: tomato in one bag, lettuce, bread, cheese and meat in another and finally my mayo or mustard in another. She did this because she didn't want me to eat a soggy sandwich at lunch. She always packed me my favorite pickles and chips. I didn't always have a nutritious lunch, but it was always made with love. My step mom made me pack my own lunch once I got to third grade. She NEVER took me or step brother to school (my story about him belongs on the pedophile/pervert page) because she said she and my dad didn't pay taxes to have the school buses simply "drive by our house."
Anyway, this is about my mom and not my stepmom. She's a whole different story. I want my mom to get help because I love her and she has no one else to look after her except her 25 year old boyfriend. I am 20, by the way, so that's kind of weird for me. I don't know how to get her to commit to therapy. She is convinced that it's not going to help. She doesn't understand how her being abused as a kid effects the person she is today, and subsequently effects the way she forms relationships, including ours. I need to make her see that her childhood experiences shape the person she is now and that by working through her childhood abuse, instead of ignoring it, will help fix our relationship issues. I have also committed to therapy because I have issues to deal with from a falling out my mom and I had a few summers ago, plus all the **** that happened when I was a kid and the recent fall out I had with my dad (yeah, my family is a real model of perfection if you can't tell).
I need some pointers on giving my mom hope and help on how to deal with a BPD parent. She called me once right before attempting "suicide" (I wasn't there and no one witnessed it so I'm going on her word) and I really would like to avoid this situation if I can help it. Thanks for reading.