My mum made it so clear that im completely worthless... i ha

my mum made it so clear that im completely worthless... i hate myself, i just want her approval but i wont ever get that. she made me feel like no one will ever love me

3 Hearts

That's really hard. Family is supposed to be the one people that you can count on. My Dad cheated on my mom 3 years ago and left to marry his mistress, Tina. Now he does everything for her and her children, and grandkids, and doesn't spend any time with my son, or me, or my brother and sisters. He was a father to my half sister since she was 3, and when he left my mom, he said she just came with the marriage. It made me feel lost and confused and worthless. But there are only 2 scenarios that I realized could happen. I could mope and wallow in my self pity and feed into the lies that I'm worthless, unloved, and unwanted. Or I could say, Screw you, Dad. You're messed in the head. That's not how a normal loving parent should respond to his children. You're the one who's messed up, not me. I'm gonna stand tall on my own two feet, and I'm gonna fight this and I'm gonna come out on top. I love myself, I care about myself, I am strong. So, I chose the second option. You're stronger than you think, and its your mom who's messed up and wrong here, not you.

3 Hearts

suicidalghosts…Please don’t listen to the destructive things your mother says to you…She is interested in making you fail and be miserable, just like her…We
are here for you, and we want you to get the necessary help for yourself…

ive moved nearly 200 miles away from her but shes still texting me and trying to get me to come and see her, i never want to see her again though :/ shes hurt me so much and i just dont want to go through that again by being anywhere near her

1 Heart

@suicidalghosts …Then you know what you have to do…Stay away from her because she is so poisonous…Respectfully…LARRYPSYCH…