My new kitty is making herself at home here

She is doing well. She slept alot yesterday. Today she is eating better. She is getting adjusted to all of us as well as our other cats. Usually by a week, all cats are ok with the new cat. Boomer, our 6 month old male, is trying to play with our new kitten this morning. She is hissing and growling at home. She has alot of spunk for 2 months old and is great at holding her ground. Of course, I am nearby watching over her to make sure she doesn't get hurt. We still haven't named her. We do have a list of names. Hopefully we will think of something fitting to name her soon. She is a wonderful addition to our family.

I'm glad that she is fitting right in. You have to think of name soon!

My next girl will probably be a Maya or Lilly. I never get girls though....hubby likes Boys!! I have a 1 yr old dog whos a girl and she's mah baby- havn't had a girl since i was a little kid.

All the best with the new addition. Give her a pet from me.

Thanks legrandsbt. She likes to sleep on me when I am on the computer. She is still investigating her new home. Our other cats are doing pretty good with adjusting to her. There have been a few hisses but those are less now. They mainly come from her when our 6 month old male cat tries to play with her. We have given her a name now. We named her Sugar. That was one of the names my husband suggested. She is such a great addition to our family. I plan to breed her with my 6 month old male when they are old enough to do so. Should be interesting seeing the kittens. She is a Seal Point Siamese. My 6 month old male, Boomer, is a mix of Blue Point Himalayan and Blue Point Siamese. I have been raising Siamese kittens for several years now. We mainly give them away to our families and friends. I love making others happy. :-)