my psychopath ex and I have been separated for nearly a year. Found out he had been cheated on me for past 4- 5 years having sex with a few women and taping it and I accidently found it and watched it. in that time accusing me of having affairs with random people and found out he had even put a settalite tracker in my car and had a binocular to follow me around like a mad man so I filed for divorce. in that time I had a cleaning lady who's been with me for past 6 years and I treated her like a family member. I'm closer to her than my own mother basically she has been in the midst of my whole life...when this happened and my ex and I separated I told her if you wanna have anything to do with my ex I dont' want you to be a part of my life for obvious reasons..She looked me in the eye and said okay! I just found out yesterday that she has been cleaning his house and mine both while I have spent so much money to change my locks and reset a new codes which she knows. I feel so betrayed and cannot believe she would do such a thing to me...and when I confronted her she tells me she needs to pay her bill while my house is much bigger than my ex's town house so for her to risk her job with me was a very dishonest and stupid decision...needless to say during this time I had my bf over she would come and clean the house things that you are not trying to flaunt to your ex while you're going through a nasty divorce...I fell so so betrayed
1 Heart
That's terrible. So have you let the housekeeper go?
Definitely let her go! :( I'm so sorry.
oh yeah of course I had to fire her last night it's just outrageous how people can betray your trust and catch you completely off ex is a physician and she and her daughter had gone to him in the past ( free visits never hurts anyone ) but what pisses me off really badly is that she came to my house last week and gave me an empty box of a med. and had the audacity to ask me to ask my ex to call it in when she goes to his house every week