My roommate (a guy i used to sleep with/a friend i have known since i was 13) is monitoring my food intake. Not in a good way. Every time I convince myself to eat something unhealthy (ex a ice cream cone earlier) he comments about how it's not good for me. In my head i will have already calculated my calories and workout and decided i could have this one thing as long as I don't binge. But when he says something what I hear is Him saying how fat and disgusting i am (he never has said that but i know he thinks it.. cause i am) and then i am face down in the toilet. It's happened 3 times in the last 3 days. I don't know how to tell him how much it affects me. One minute he's giving me workout tips the next eating advice. I am sorry i am not a man and i cant eat fast food like he can and be super muscular and fit like he is. He doesn't even have to work out. He's always had that body...and i have always had mine :-(
:-( I kind of want to hit this guy. Maybe this is the way he is trying to be helpful, but it isn't good. His words are just magnifying what you think he thinks of you, which probably isn't so harsh. He probably doesn't think you are disgusting. If he is a true friend he likes you for all of the great qualities you have and sees you as beautiful. Maybe, if you don't want to be super honest with him about your struggle right now, you could just be like, "Dude, I've got it under control." <3
Sounds very unpleasant, that is why I dont tell anyone because I am afraid of them bugging me and trying to control me. I have to do it myself. I am trying.... That's why I started talking here.
Ask him: "Why do you think I should restrict myself? In order to be beutiful for man? What if my target is to be happy and accept myself the way I really am? What if I don't think that I shpuld starve in order to be accepted by man?",
I don't know the right way to deal is. I told my b.f. I was having a bout almost a month ago and he acts like it's not happening. That doesn't help either.