MY Scary Night

Hello, my wonderful friends,

Well, last night was quite scary for me. We had an attempted breaking and entering happen in our home. The scariest thing was----it happened in my window right where next to where I sleep.

Luckily , I was up last night ( thankfully to my wonderful freind Chelsea who I was texting last night) as I couldn't sleep that well. I was very grateful for her because if I had gone to sleep beforehand, Lord knows what would have happened. All I know is, there were 2 people outside my window because I heard voices outside my window which woke me up. I was already half awake , so I was able to be very percpetive of my surroundings( I usually am anyways). Chelsea and I had been texting for a while beforehand, and if it wasnt for Chelsea, I don't know what would have happened.

I probably would have fallen asleep an hour before the predators were outside my window, and anything could have happened. It is being described as an attempted break in because there was more than one person( it was a team) but it also could have been a rapist, a murderer, a peeping Tom ( but I doubt that cuz there was more than one person yet my fiancee thinks this) or a burglary...

When I heard the noises outside, I immediately woke up my fiancee who was alseep watching t.v. This all happened around 2:40am last night, and he was asleep in the living room last night. He ran to the other room in our house and yelled out the window to the guy who was STILL looking in our window. Joe screamed at him to get out of here---and the perpetrator ran so quickly that the security could not find/capture him.
We then made a report with security, but was baffled WHY the police did not show. WEIRD.

From talking to the President of our Co-OP, we have labeled this as a attempted break in ( burglary). The scary thing is---I have read about break ins where they murder the people the rob so their is no evidence...
So, it is very terrifying to think of what might have happened if our friend Chelsea had not have texted me last night.
We will never know what might have happened( thankfully).
I'm still upset actual police didn't take a report.

I am scared today, and upset. My fiancee and I was supposed to go Christmas shoppping and buy our tree and clothes , but we didnt go. We were too busy making a plan for what to do IF someone were to break in, he showed me where weapons were in the house( OH MY), and what to do if that were to happen. Luckily , he works in security so we have a good alarm sysytem, but we have not turned it on at nighttime because we felt so safe here. Now, we will turn it on every night...
I am also getting pepper spray next to my bed so I can spray it at any intruder from now on.

So, I can't help being scared. I have been raped and beaten many times as a child, so this brings back many flashbacks. I am nervous and anxious. I wanted to have a nice day today and it all got ruined cause we had to report it to the President at our Co-OP and tell our neighbors.
Security here is now on patrol even more so than before.

So, I am frightened, yet sooooooooooooooooo thankful my freind Chelsea---yes, she possibly saved my life! Or from getting hurt! If we hadn't been texting late last night, I would have fallen asleep, and therefore never would have heard the burglars outside. And anything could have happened.




Omg M, I am so thankful that you are okay <3 I love you toppieces and wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

i love you too, gina....

im so thankful nothing happened. im still worried as hell... i dont know if ill be able to sleep.

do you know security here did not call the cops and made no report???? imagine--these asses are still out there! and no one did anything! scares me....
as people usually return to the scene of the crime...ughhhh

thanks so much much

love and hugz to you!!!!!!

What!!! I would be taking that up with the property manager!!! Clearly the safety of its tenants isnt the #1 priority…

So glad to hear nothing actually happened to you! How scary. Many times when I was growing up we had peeping toms and once a guy actually crawled through my stepbrothers bedroom stepbrother happened to wake up and scared him away with a baseball bat. Anyway, I'm wondering why you and your fiancee didn't call the police and only allerted security? Is that a policy where you live? It's still not to late to call and report. You might feel a bit safer if the police know and are keeping alert as well...just a though.

I'll be praying for a peaceful sleep for you tonight. I know because of past incidents it might not happen though.


thanks so much harry—you know, i actually got upset at my fiancee for calling security and not the cops, and he got saddened by that… he got upset. he thought if he called security—security would automatically call the cops( but they didnt)
he thought for sure they would, as he though automatically they would call the authorities…

and then, when i got upset cuz he only called security, he felt really bad and got sad… so, i didnt say anything else … i dont want to get into a riff between us over this now…

we really did think the cops would have come when security was called, but they never did…( sigh)

i dont know what to do about reporting it now, that was a while back and dont know if it is too late to report it…now

thanks soooooooo much, cathy!


I agree with Cathy it's not too late to report it. It's scary but at least you are well prepared if anything else happens. You guys will be just fine. Try and get some sleep and if you just can't the try watching a movie or writing to get your mind off of things for awhile. I'lll probably be on and off all night so if you're having a hard time shoot me a message!! <3 HUGS

thanks so much, sonrisas…
i know it isnt too late to report it( or is it by now???)

i want to, but my fiancee doesnt really want to as he says ’ if they come into the house again, they wont be alive for long’ LOL…

men always want to take care of security their own ways…hahahaha

i do want to report it, i dont know…well see… ill think on it as it would make me feel better.
but i fear they would wonder why it took so long for us to report it?

thanks so much sonrisas!!! and ill shoot you that message soon!

thanks alot


SO glad you and your fiance are both okay, Maureen, but I'm really sorry that the incident triggered flashbacks, and that it spoiled your plans for the day. But, it's good that you and your fiance spent time reviewing and beefing up your security. I agree with the others, it's not too late to report the incident to the police - they might even be able to lift some fingerprints from outside your window.

Sending you lots of protective hugs. Please be safe.

my amazingly smart freind,

how are you??? thanks so much…yes it did trigger flashbacks and made me feel weird and strange all day.
and i kept getting panic attacks and couldnt stay asleep.

yes it is good we beefed up our security and came up with a plan. yes, i know --i do want to report it, but my fiancee doesnt cuz --he wants to ‘take care of it himself’ hahaha ah, men…

thanks sooooooo much artemis for your love

and hugs to you too,

love ya


im so glad that you are ok. when i started reading this i was thinking the worse. do u live in the city.

i have raped before so i can certainly relate and understand how u feel and about the flashbacks. you can get triggered easily.

i care about you and dont want anything to happen. please stay safe.

yes liz,

i couldnt help but to think of the worst also and YES i live in the city…

yes , this suuuuuure does trigger flashbacks ! like crazy! i was getting panic attacks all last night and nightmares! at least, i think they were panic attacks it could be ED related( the arrythmias).

i mean, it is hard to think about what could have happened, if i luckily hadnt been awake at 3:00 in the morning ( and im usually asleep)
wow, did i get lucky i was texting with chelsea, wow…or
i would have fallen asleep.

i feel ok about it now, still kinda feel wierd, i know nothing happened, yet i still feel violated…is that wierd? like my privacy was taken away or something…sigh…

and people who break in, sometimes ( from what i hear in the news) kill those they try to rob.)
oh, the lovely world we live in…



Hey Maureen,

Well done for being so brave. It's sounds like you're both taking the right precautions...if only to put your own minds at rest in the future. Once an intruder is scared away, I shouldn't think it's likely that they would return...they've probably ticked you both off as 'nocturnal' on their list. Plus, I imagine they would be too scared of security in the future in that block as you caught them.

I'm so glad that you're both ok. I know it's a big shock at first but try as much as possible to relax yourself and to get back to how things have the right precautions in place now.

Love and Strength


thank you so much oh la la, and i so hope i start to relax soon! hahahahha!

and i hope they dont come back! thanks so much, oh la la, thank you…


oh hell, this world really is just crazy!!

sooooooooo glad you are ok and nothing actually happened. fate is a strange thing...
well done on plannig out your security now, obviously the cops etc are not always very reliable.
i'm really sorry for the almost intrusion into your home and comfort. i'm sure though that once you have sorted everything you'll be able to relax again. you are a brave woman, sweetie!!


yes maedi–

the world is craaaaaaazy so thankfully we have us!im glad im ok too!LOL, thanks so much, fate is an amazing amazing thing! it really really is… i felt like my guardian angels had my back!!!LOL! yeah cops in NY probably have so much crap going on , ugh so yes, we from now on always put the alarm on before we go to bed…

thank you so much, maedi,


it is a rather scary world :(

thank you for the wonderful support my friends....that is sooooooo really is....

i truly do appreciate it...and think you are all gems.

it is wierd, i kept getting panic attacks all last night. i fell asleep early and kept waking up and waking up with my heart racing. now, normally this happens because of my ED relates symptoms, but im not sure if this was related or anxiety. i HAVE been dealing with arrythmias and other weird symptoms from my last recent relapse, so i dont know if it is from that or this or both combined...

i dont know why, but i just feel uneasy...a place where i felt so safe (my room) has been turnned in a place of 'what could have been' and my privacy was shattered...

i mean, my window--was open---open! so, if i hadnt been awake still( if chelsea hadnt texted me) i dont know what might have happened, and that just freaks me out. all of this made me feel especially fat with the fact i have gained weight recently. i mean, someone was leering outside my window(2 people!) i honestly dont think it was a peeping tom, in my opinion, because there were 2 people outside, and to me it sounds more like a "team' to break in--like they had a plan..
and that 'plan' scares me a lot because a lot of stories i hear on the news with break ins or burglaries---they can get killed. and i just know assailants bring weapons with them if they were to break in...( did i mention i was changing into p.j. s at about the time they were outside---gawkkkkkkkkk! they might have seen me! and my ugly body!yuck...)

so im just kind of wierded out, and getting panic attacks, feeling uneasy and getting nightmares.
i mean, i am fine---im ok----ill get through this, i m fine overall, but i mean, this totally triggered awful flashbacks as a child and is making me feel tramatized even though nothing happened. is that wierd? i dont know. i think the thoughts of 'what if' is going through my mind.
i have been raped ad abused and hurt so many times in my life i dont think i could take another assualt or attack if that were to happen.

the police thing---yes i am totally upset by this and i want to report it but my fiancee does not. he is kind of dealing with this in an odd way---like by being in denial and kind of dismissing this off with jokes and stuff. i think this is his defense mechanism ,really. he also has had so many tragic things happen to him, i dont think he wants to deal with what could have happened, and is sort of being flippant about the situation. i mean, he is upset, but his response is " if they would have come in the house, dont worry maureen, theyd be dead in 2 seconds.'
ah, a typical male respone...hehehhhehehe

so he is kind of in denial about the whole situation a tad and feels " he can take care of it all". like i said, typical male response! LOL.

he is also very upset the security didnt call the police( they were supposed to!) but the president of this place said they did not report it to the police, so he got upset... i dont know if he wants to report this but i do. i really dont know what to say about it all since he wants to kind of play it off.

so, im kinda of still uneasy about it all ....i dont know, i mean im OK thankfully, but i feel weird.

i want to thank you all for your great support and love and as always it helps me out so much....

you are so wonderful and sweet, and yes gina, this is a cold, mean world we live in--but thak god we have us.

once again, many thanks to chelsea!!!

love all of you to pieces

I'm so sorry this happened, but I hope you do call the police and make a report. It is not too late, but I don't know what they will do at this point. The important thing is that it will be recorded, and you could maybe request some surveillance for your area?
I hope you are feeling better today...I am so proud of everyone for being such a support here....Jan ♥

yes i think this is a good idea, ill bring it up to joe, i just dont think he wants to, i hope he changes his mind…sigh. men like to take care of things themselves…LOL…

but yes it would be good to get this recorded…

thanks jan!

yes the support is beautiful( it always is here at SG!)