My therapist told me I wasn't safe at home anymore. I told my husband I need a few days. He said that he guesses I left him and to use the credit card if I need it. I guess he would rather be with the other woman right now than give me a few days.
1 Heart
Dont assume that. Being seperate for a while will be good for both of you. Especially if you are not safe at home. When it comes to that, do not allow that. You are important. This whole thing is about him not feeling good about himself. Do not blame yourself. If he is meeting his needs outside of the marriage, he should have been straight with you. Lying goes right along with cheating. It is a coward who cheats. It is a form of abuse. I am so sorry. I am glad you have a therapist to talk with. Please post as often as you like. Sending you strength, hope, ((hugs)) God's healing peace.
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