My Wife just called my Mother a liar Now what?

Wow. Ok. I love them both dearly. But my Wife's suspicious nature is a little out of control. I don't want to fuel her 'freak-out' further by seeming to side against her, though. Do you see my Catch-22?

I'm sure this is a usual pit-fall. Can anyone from either gender shed some light here? I'd love an experienced outlook on this!

Thanks so much for your help!

Welcome to would be wise to discuss w/your wife her feelings w/what transpired & let her know your supporting her & will talk w/your mother about the situation & take care of whatever happened. The reason I say that is that YOUR married & would like to stay married, my experience is if you say something to your wife that disagrees w/HOW the situation made her feel, regardless of her suspicions, then you'll really open up a can worms at the home front. If your wife has issues deal w/that separately w/her.

Is always best mediate the situation ASAP at all costs so speak w/your mom alone/privately. My thoughts are w/you.

Take care of you.


Thanks for the advice, April, and the sympathy!

As with many of our altercations, they're usually based in primal reactions to perceived danger - fear & anger aren't reasonable.

So after a week or so, my wife sees where my mother is coming from and I think she's a little more accepting of my mother's behavior. She's definitely not accusing her of lying anymore. So that's good.

There are still underlying issues, but I really don't think bringing them forward now is going to help anything.

I have some ideas about how to handle things going forward. But if I run into trouble again, it's good to know there's a place I can come for advice!

Thanks again.

I can understand being suspicious. I in fact, respect suspicious because I am often the suspicious one too. What does your mom do to make her feel this way? What about your wife is making her react that way to your mom?