I am a recovering addict. I am part of a group of recovering addicts that meet together to stay clean. We share our experience, strength, and hope with one another. My higher power and this method has kept me clean since 1988. If you have a desire to stop using and find a new way to live, this program is for you.
If you would like to know more ... send me a post.
Wow, thanks for takin,g the time to use the NA logo and invite to others. I had 20 yrs, relapsed 4, now have 26 days, most humbling. Must begin again. No, don't feel better today. I go to a noon meeting each day to avoid the Old timers I knew of which were quite....well,lets just say: not welcoming. I supose I understand. I will be moving soon to a remote location, only one na mtg, i will ck out the few aa. hard to start over at 50, divorced again, new location, not much clean time, just many obstacles ahead. Change will happen with me or w/o me. Thanks again, I am glad I looked back in the posts. Congrats to you and your husband. Mine would not stay clean for nothing. My idea of god was in our church. He got the church in the divorce, him and his newest G/F. So, an idea of god right now is worse than it has ever been. YET< GOD is in the program.