NC for 7 days! He is losing it. He cannot call, but he fig

NC for 7 days! He is losing it. He cannot call, but he figured out that if he hits "reply" to an old text, I MAY read it... So - this is what he's sending me last night and first thing this morning, (I am copying and pasting, so it's his lousy spelling and grammar, hahaha):

It sure will in its true form!! I showed Sue yesterday. Kevin no longer living at home. You have ruined yet another marriage with your lies and deciet! This could have been easy and you created all this chaos. I would have given you anything reasonable.

(back to me)....Well, just another way to get me to react. I am not going to do anything. What a loser.

He has just turned into this monster out of control. Threatening me with lawyers and adultery....I am 1200 miles away and have nothing to do with any of it.. Does ANYONE know why he is trying to drag me and my reputation through the dirt???? Does it have any LEGAL implications? I just sent out the divorce summons and complaint. Thank you for any and all advice.

2 Hearts

He is panicking at his loss of control over you and throwing a temper tantrum. He has reverted to a frustrated two year old. Whatever you are concerned about, run it by your lawyer. Your stbx may take some sort of legal action, but it's at least as likely he won't bother to go through the effort and is just blustering to freak you out. That's my take anyway.

@tabbylady - Thank you, Tabby, I KNEW you would have some advice. I do, and did run it by MY attorney and MY private investigator (he’s my mole in the little one-horse town). You bet. He’s going nuts - finally got two younger gals to “help” him on FB and the computer. So, he has wasted his time signing me up on singles sites,, - whatever.
What a child. Thanks, thanks…

Hooray is right.

1 Heart

why don't you change your numbers , e mails etc etc , ONLY give it to people you trust and legal firms for now , , You might be on a high as your in control , but the messages are getting through all the same . You might cave and is that what you want in early recovery ?