Hello Everyone! I need some advice.
I am concerned that my sister in law is suffering from Mental Illness, and don't know how to "suggest" that maybe she needs a little help. I love her dearly, and I would never hurt her in a million years.
I chose this support group, because her mother has schizophrenia, as well as her grandmother. I don't necessarily suspect she suffers from schizophrenia also, but I just didn't know where else to start.
Here are some of her symptoms, and please let me know if you think there is cause for concern.
1-incessant talking - she talks all the time. I am not exaggerating. If she is with someone/anyone, she is talking non stop. If you ask her any simple question, an hour later, or maybe even two, she still has not answered your question. And somehow, someway, it always gets on the topic of how her doctors, her sons teachers, her daughters schools, her former employers, her dad, her grandfather, and everyone else in her life has "wronged" her in some way shape or form. No matter what the question, the answers always get back to that.
2 - She feels that something is wrong with her physically. She says that her doctors suspect that it could be one of two things. However, all of the initial testing is coming out negative, yet the symptoms keep coming and going and coming and going. They asked her that if she had ringing in her ears (which she never has had), then the next week, all she can hear is ringing in her ears. She says that one of the numerous specialists she is going to has "demanded" that she get a psychological examination because they think she is a hypochondriac. Well, if that was the case, would a doctor really tell her what they suspect. Wouldn't that make a patient more apt to be overly cautious about that particular topic? I understand that with as many drugs as she is is, that that could be the majority of what is causing all these symptoms with her, and I don't doubt that there is true physical symptoms she is experiencing. Would this be a common characteristic of a type of mental illness?
3-She has always told me of situations and instances that occurred with her bother (my husband) while they were growing up. Of course, in every single situation, she was a victim of some sort, some how, some way. While I agree she had very tragic experiences in her childhood, some of the things that she has told me about, has nothing to do with the tragedies she faced while growing up. There have been countless times that my husband has looked at her with a blank expression and told her that flat out did not happen. I have experienced something similar with her, where she would tell me or someone else of a conversation that her and I had, which NEVER EVER occurred. However, this weekend, she told me of a situation concerning herself, myself, and my daughter that happened over the summer, and it absolutely, positively, unequivocabally never happened. And of course, she was the victim once again, in the situation. Most importantly though, she TOTALLY believes these things, and believes that they are true memories. For years, we suspected she was simply lying. Now, we have come to realize, that she truly believes these stories.
4-She can NOT remember details from two weeks ago, but she can remember, in great details, occurrences in her life from YEARS prior when she was victimized, or at least in her mind she was victimized.
5-She can not function normally. If you talk too fast, she gets this confused look on her face, and will tell you she is not comprehending what she is saying because her brain is not working correctly. If she gets flustered, she says she can not follow very simple directions.
6-She has severe miagraines and dizziness.
7-She can not tolerate any loud noises. My husband is hard of hearing and he always has our television blasting. She can not tolerate it at all. She says there are times when she can not tolerate any light at all and she has to lay in her blackened bedroom.
8-There are some "issues" with her 4 year old daughter, but just ask "I believe" she is doing with herself, she is doing the same thing with her daughter. Making her much more "sick" than she really is.
9-at one point over this last weekend, she sat in a room full of people, and was totally and completely incoherent. (I've NEVER seen her or anyone else like that before). She had a very blank stare on her face, her movements were very slow and methodical, like she was moving in thick glue or something. She never spoke, and kept that blank stare and confusion on her face for probably on hour or so, and then when she came to, started the incessant talking. Like two completely different people.
There are other things, but these are just the top few examples that have caused me concern. Is it just me, or does any of this sound like any type of mental illness?
But even more important than that question, HOW IN THE WORLD can I "suggest" to her, that there may be something seriously wrong, and not just physical? HOW can I gently suggest or lead her in the correct direction? I have no idea. Like I said, I love her dearly, and I would NEVER EVER want to hurt her.
Any suggestions, input or ideas could could offer me would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you