Hip Hip Hurray! This morning was my weigh in and I lost 2 lbs. just from doing the little bit of changes.
So.....that is very encouraging!
Having new scenery is a good idea!
Well congratulations on a solid week meeting, fore the most part, all of your goals!
I am especially interested in goals #2, and #6 for the upcoming week. Walks and music can be very therapeutic. Healthy for mind, and body. Keep up the awesome job! You are an inspiration already. I struggle daily with certain things, can't play my guitar all the time due to the pain. Doctors app today, a shot, three meds, two new and one old doubled. Been up since before this time yesterday, and cannot sleep.
Love to hear about your fantastic progress though, so I wanted to answer your message while i was still coherent!
That is super awesome fantastic great! 2 pounds healthily lost in a week, that is 'normal'. Keep up the amazing effort towards completing your goals. I cannot wait to see how these new goals will add to your enjoyment of life.
Day 8
Hey John, again thanks for the support! Sounds like you are having some struggles with pain. I hope the Drs. can help and you can get some much needed sleep.
So...new goal check in....
Water (check), LongerWalk (check), PT (nope), Gluten Free(check), Play Guitar (nope)
Couldn't get to everything today because of family obligations and had to leave out of town early and got home late.
I know life is life and not meeting every goal every day is just fine. I did add more time to my walk and feel great.
Also I am proud of the fact that we ate out twice today and I made all really good choices around gluten free and "junk". :)
argh, i am up. rough day, seizure, 4 hours doctor's office, doubled one med, added two more, picked up two more refills, got home five meds, and one shot, still need eight more shots! One more seizure, painful stomach cramps, and recently got home from my longest walk in over a year, 5.63 miles of painful meandering. brick in left calf, sharp pain in right shoulder/upper back, now both hips hurting, but for my own mental health I needed to get out of the house!
Sooo, yeah, um, day eight, this is awesome!
Glad you got your walk into, again, we musta been thinking along the same lines!
Yes, not all day will there be time for everything on the goal list due to life, and um, that stuff, but keep the faith, and keep up the fantastic effort!
Gosh, I am so wired, wish i could sleep tonight. morning seizure i remember, afternoon one i do not, but roommates witnessed it, so, um, a tad bit of awkwardness now in the house. hopefully we can get over that on Sunday, and move on from here.
Keep pumping the good news my way, golly, I need an "ever lovin spoonful" of it. Here is a shovelful of hope, peace, and strength as a trade!
John, I am sending you some good positive thoughts your way. Sounds like a not so good day came slamming into your path yesterday and I hope today was better. Good to hear about your long walk. That was pretty impressive. Walking always helps doesn't it? Not only with our physical but more so our emotional well being. So good for you!
Day 9
Well, in the midst of tornado weather...... I still got out for my walk.
So-... Walk(check), PT with added exercise (check), Water (check), Gluten Free (no, went to a baby shower and had a cup cake), guitar (no, didn't even think about it until now).
I walked farther today and I think my hip is going to be okay with the added time. I think drinking my water is keeping the inflammation at bay as well.
All in all a good pain free day. Hippie Skippie ONE DAY AT A TIME
Yes, my physical health is pretty much shot! I'm ok with that though, so long as I can keep my mental view of life kinda healthy, I ma find a reason everyday for continuing to be here. as a painfuly type with one hasnd ohh
hippie skippe one day at a time, sounds like a plan. do not go on walk if risk of getting blown away is present. sending much praise. not able to type right now as other hand in great pain, ohhh. keep up good work. thanks for the updates! john
Day 10
Instead of going through each thing I will just say this..... I did everything on my goal list today!.
Instead of walking, ended up tromping through the woods looking for mushrooms and my walk ended up being 3 times as long and more challenging. Didn't come home with mushrooms but i did come home with 2 wood ticks and 1 deer tick. Yuck! but all part of being in the woods this time of year.
Oh that is great! a long walk in the woods!
I went on my walk again tonight too! Third night in a row, although I am not sure if I really should be going on walks, but mentally I need too! only one spike tonight, up to 210, so that was nice, 17 last nice, five up to 238, eek. see cardiologist at 2:30 Tuesday, argh, not looking forward to that.
No mushrooms, that's too bad. sounds like you love nature, and eating natural foods. nettles, dandelions, shrooms, heathly eating is great! I walk to bp, 1 mile, get a water, maybe a snack, walk to 7 /11, get another water, maybe a snack, walk back to bp, another water, then home. makes 5.6/7 miles total 3 days now. longest walk in a year since now was home to 7 / 11 combo CVS next door round trip 4.2 miles to get meds earlier this year. Usual walk is to bp and back about two miles.
trying to walk as much as possible even when physically hurting so my mental mood stays up!
you tell me details ok!
great job, and i am proud of your progress! on a good track to a healthier you!
Day 11,
I can't believe that it is day 11 already. The first few days were really hard with cravings and drinking my water, but as the days go by it is getting easier and easier. I look forward to my walks and feel so good when I do them. I am going to back off on the one Physical Therapy Exercise for now with the weights. I did that once and the next day my hip was yelling at me. I will wait until next week when I don't have a lot of other stuff on my plate.
Anyway, I can give a check for all my goals today. Right when I get done here I am going to play guitar for a little bit.
John, I hope you have a good outcome at the Dr. and wow....you have really been doing some great walking! It is amazing how wonderful a little walk helps us emotionally isn't it? Much better than a drug any day!
I have no idea what all your physical conditions are and what you have done for them, but I thank you for your encouragement even though you struggle. There is something to that as well..... as we help others in return we are helped. One of the greatest spiritual and universal concepts!
Well, off to play my guitar. Have a good night everyone-
I am doing the similar thing as you. I use sparkpeople.com for a calorie tracker and weight tracker, there is also a fitness tracker. I love it and it has a smart phone app. If you want to share tips with me or want some tips from me let me know. Good luck on your health journey!!!
Try this for comfort and some repair. Black Cherry juice, concentrate or extract (I use the extract). For some reason i got gout and i don't have a clue why, but the particulars aren't important. And on the sides of my wrists I have mild Athritus from doing the same job for years and years, so once in a while it really hurts bad.
So since i'm tired of mountains of pills i did some reasearch on the net and i found Black Cherry's disolve the gout cystals and promote blood flow to your joints so it helps arthritus also.
I really whacked myself so that's why i tried it. After 3 weeks my wrist gets tired easy ( I wrenched the heck out of it ) but the pain is gone and is less weak than it was. I was unable to bend my big toe back, like to get up and now it works again, is a little sore still but not near as bad.
If you think you might want to try it look it up on the net and you can get it on the net or a health food store or some pharmacies. Maybe some other places i don't know of. But i keep improving with it, worth a try in my book. Just remember your paind didn't start over night and this stuff takes a while to work also.
good luck
Thanks Delana and Michael for all the great tips. I definitely will be checking on those web sights to help track my fitness and revisit Cherry juice. I used to buy the concentrate and keep it in the freezer and mix it with my smoothies everyday. I however did not keep up with it to feel any benefits and i know that is key to anything....CONSISTENCY!
That is why I joined this support sight because I have a hard time with consistency and because of that I never get better. Yes, I will see improvements, but as I feel a little better I slack off then I am back to square one again.
This sight has helped me to stay focused on my goals and to check in with myself everyday. I am really seeing the benefits, so now to keep it going!
Won't be able to check in tonight because I am working out of town where there is no computer, but will tomorrow.
Again thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments and support.
I just wanted to add a couple things-I too have a lot of itis's-bursitis of the hip is the worst-please take the best tip I can give-STAY OFF THE SCALE!!! focus on the positive things you do for yourself-daily normal variations in weight can be very discouraging.
Hello Again,
One thing i do with goals, is one at a time to many and you can lose your way or interest. I understand that some interact with each other but they reach the same end. At times i need lots of notes to keep on track, when i'm done i cross it off. But that is just how i do it, i'm sure there are other ways.
Good luck and Black Cherry juince :)
Day 12
Thanks so much everyone for great advice. I feel as if I have a really good balance with my goals and not taking on too much. So far I really feel my body responding very positively and that is very encouraging!
As far as weighing myself I am keeping that to only one time a week. That is not my main goal. My main goal is to have less pain through consistent healthy habits and hopefully with that I can shed about ten extra lbs.
As far as my goals I met all of them except playing my guitar yesterday and today. Hopefully I can get to that later on today, but if not that's okay too. Maybe I will grab it and go play at a place downtown where I sit in sometimes.
Happy Memorial Day Everyone. Keep well and remember...
all apologies to my friend Mir52 for not checking lately. I had some awesome things come up on my end, and selfishly I had to save all energy to get through last couple days.
Please forgive me, I will try hard to support you my friend as you maintain your healthy list of daily goals. Good job keeping with the program, nearly two weeks and I bet it gets easier each day!
I do long to hear a song from you on the guitar. What level are you, beginner? Can you play songs through? Play one for me please as I am unable now for some time. I will sing, you play. Keep pressing forward, you are doing great! one minute at a time for now...
Welcome back "Rockasamickguitar"! As far as guitar.... with a name like that it sounds like you definitely are a musician. Rock n' Roll I bet! I am a folkie. Playing my guitar for years was my prayer if you will. I would pick it up and let what ever manifested come out as I played. That is how I wrote lots of songs. BUT for some reason I just don't have that drive or need anymore. Sometimes I actually feel guilty when I see my guitar sitting in the corner and I know it has been a while since I picked it up. I know our lives and needs change over the years and for me the guitar gave me what I needed for a long time and for that I am thankful. When I do play though I LOVE it and realize how much a part of me it is. That is why I put it as one of my goals. I feel if I just pick it up even for 10 minutes a day that will be very good for my soul. And yes, I will play one for you......... Even though you may not be able to actually play, the music is still there and is an extension of who you are.