I am 20 years old. About 5 months ago I noticed a lymph node in my groin was swollen. It is a hard fixed lump that isn't painful unless I push on it real hard. I have had night sweats so bad I wakeup out of my sleep drenched. I am also very itchy and I scratch to the point where I break my skin. I am so tired it is hard for me to wake up and get my son off to school, and once I do I go right back to sleep and I still never feel rested. I had a ultrasound done last Friday and I am hoping to get the results tomorrow. The doctor says there is a good chance its lymphoma. So I was just trying to get some insight and see if this sound familiar to anyone thanks for reading.
Ashley, sorry for your worry, I hope things sort our for you very soon. All of us here who have lymphoma have been where you are now and it is among the scariest days you will experience no matter what the diagnosis turns out to be. Do keep in mind that most cases in which lymphoma is suspected turn out to be negative for it so try not to worry too much (but do get whatever tests are ordered in order to get to the bottom of things as soon as possible).
One thing to be aware of is that it is impossible to be definitive for lymphoma without a full excisional biopsy in the majority of cases. I would expect your doctor to order the suspect gland removed for examination. That exam should be done by the best blood pathologist available, ideally at an NCCN facility. This is because there are many different subtypes of lymphoma and it is critical that your diagnosis be correct as to subtype , stage and grade in order to get the right treatment for your specific situation.
The good news is that most lymphomas are very, very treatable and in may cases even curable. So hang in there, get the facts and try to be patient with this very difficult time, Ashley. It gets better.
Thanks so much for the info. I really needed that. I went to the doctor today to see if the results came back from the ultrasound and the front desk lady wouldn't even look she said she would call tomorrow if anything was abnormal, but I am going to call tomorrow and see if she will just go ahead and schedule the biopsy because I don't think I can feel at ease unless they biopsy the node. It is about the size of a grape, so hopefully all will turn out well but worse case scenario I am going to be strong and fight until it's gone!
If you don't mind me asking how did you get diagnosed?
I talked to my doctors assistant the day before Thanksgiving about my ultrasound results and she said they came in but the doctor would like to talk to me in person. So of course that really worries me being as she has always gave me my results over the phone good or bad. I have been on the positive side even if it is lymphoma. I honestly think that I have lymphoma because I have every symptom and have had them for a while. I am assuming the dr will schedule me for a biopsy when I go see her on Monday! I will keep updating. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ashley, your symptoms do match those that I had before my first chemo treatment. Most likely you will have the node removed for biopsy and if that is positive, a PET scan will be done to see the extent of the disease. Lymphoma is fairly common and treatable. Someone your age will have even better chances of success if that's how the diagnosis turns out. The best thing for you to do at the moment is to relax and go on with your life because the process of appointments and waiting for results may take several weeks. If it turns out that you have to do chemotherapy don't fret about that either because it went better than I expected and I'm three times your age.
Thanks for replying! I think the waiting part is whats driving me crazy. I have came to terms that I probably have lymphoma as it would explain my symptoms and I have no sign of infection. I just want to find out soon so if I indeed have lymphoma I can start treatment and get rid of it. I am very hopeful about the outcome of treatment if it is cancer because I have heard so many good things! I am a little worried about chemo because I have heard that it makes you sick and you lose your appetite and I already have troubles eating as I rarely get hungry. I am not too worried about the hair loss which is probably a little unusual coming from a 20 year old female but the way I see it is it's just hair and it will grow back! Its just all the side effects that I have heard horror stories about that scares me. I will post another update on Monday after my appointment. I hope to hear from you and more members soon. Thanks for your advice it is greatly appreciated!
I downloaded the ebook Life Over Cancer to read on my laptop. It's not one of those alternative medicine books. Dr. Block is an oncologist who recommends the combination of chemotherapy with good nutrition and exercise to reduce side effects.