Need help

I'm not sure if it's ok to say this here, but I'm not sober yet. I want to be. I need tips on getting sober. I know that I have a serious problem. It's started to effect my work and social life. I come from an amazing family. My parents love me and have always supported me. I've just been very depressed lately. My life isn't where I thought it would be at this point. I've become very self-destructive. I know myself well, I should be able to control this, but I can't seem to. It's just getting worse. If anyone has any advice on how to stop I'd love to hear it.

I do not have a problem but my husband did. For him it was the realization he was becoming like is mother. He quit drinking in 2005.

When he did this, he changed his habbits and unfortunalty some of his friends. We also found out later he was suffering from depression. I encourage you to get help from a therapist. Surround youself with people that care about you and will support you.

and aa has worked for millions of people over the years. give it a try, you can bring someone with you for moral support if your afraid of going alone. i did and the place became home for me. there is also aa online that was not available for me back in the you can check it out b4 even stepping into the rooms

I know how you feel! I have been drinking everyday for the past several months and just not ready to stop! I have even started throwing up because the alchol is too much for my system to take. I start a new job in a week and I decided to limit my alchol to night time but the true fact is I need to stop. My fiancee has been sober for 3 years. He wasn't a drinker everyday - he just didn't know when to stop when he did drink. I am bi-polar and on all sorts of meds to control my moods and depression, but why does it seem that I need more to make me feel better. I used to have high manic states before the medication and I feel that is what I am chasing . . . honestly at this point I drink out of bordem. I'm not ready to go to AA since I feel I can control this by myself but let's try together to kick this habit. The best thing to do I know is just throw away all the alchol in your house . . .can we do this together?

throwing away all the alcohol is most definately a good thing BUT you have a car that can drive to the nearest liquor store? try it, it may work for you, if not and you need further direction we'll be here..good luck hun