Need special prayer today! please

what blueeyes! i am so sorry! how awful for you! i am so glad you were not injured further or greater than you were, your angels were watching out for you that's for sure! don't let this turn into an issue for you now, let it go you have enough on your plate as it is.

i agree with puppy, love that new baby growing in your daughter. why i was just 18 when i had my first baby and i did just fine. your going to be a young grandma right?

all my best with faith and hope in your stability, maria

BlueEyes, I cannot believe what happened to you last night, I am in total shock and sit here writing with my jaw totally dropped. Are you okay? How are you doing and feeling now? Can you contact the police again and follow-up on what happened to ensure that you have protection? I am just so happy that you are safe and I agree with Maria, angels were watching over you. I always look at these types of experiences and could have been worse. I am just so happy that you are safe. Thank you God! I am praying for you. Please let me know how you are doing.

i'm just bruised really badly on the right side of my neck, and no the police want do anything.........we talked to our neighbors today and one of their grandsons was playing in the woods last week and a man put a gun in his face and told him to get out of the woods??? may be the same guy??? but I think it really goes to show you how little they will do until something news worthy happens...I just pray it doesn't take that to get something done around here


Blueeyes, I am just in shock over the fact that the police won't do anything about this. Did your neighbors report the incident with their son as well? Maybe if enough people come forward, then they will actually take action. Please be very careful, I am praying for you. And, I am just so happy that you are safe and sound.

they did, but the police did nothing as well....i just don't understand it all.....but I am just thankful I have Eric he is so protective over me...we brought our lab ceasar in, he is a trained guard dog and he is very protective of me as I do feel some better....thank you so much for your prayers, I have been tring to get some rest but continually have horrible nightmares over and over about it...maybe I will sleep some tonight


That's so frustrating and it makes absolutely no sense that the police won't take action. I am just so sorry that they weren't willing to do anything. Is there a higher-up that you can report this to, such as a local politician (mayor)?

I am so happy that you have a guard dog, that gives so much peace of mind. Please get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. I am here for you and praying for you. Let me know how you are doing.

the nightmares want stop...i'm affraid to leave my house without someone there with me...maybe I need some type of couseling for post tramatic stress or something?


dear blue eyes, i am concerned for you. is there some victims help group in your area that can help? look at you county admin for this kind of assistance. yes you may need counseling to get you through this difficult period of life you have alot going on.

continue to pray and i pray with you.

all my best with hope and faith that this will resolve for you soon. your humble prayer warrior, maria

Blueeyes, I agree with Maria, I think that you should look into a support group or counseling in the area that can help you through this. It's still very recent, so allow yourself this time to go through the emotions, and seeing a counselor and/or attending a group will help you with the healing process. We are always here for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I have been on down time the past few days, the heat, the stress, everything...had to bump up the wedding a whole month because my son-in-law is being deployed earlier than planned so have a ton of things to do ahead of schedule so I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut, my daughter who is pregnant has been in the hosp. for extreme dehydration, my gpa is doing much better, and I'm still scared to go around men I don't know unless eric is with me...I know that seems odd I guess for a woman of my age, but for example, we went to get our dog some food lastnight, I had to go to the restroom so eric went on to get it.. and a man followed me from one side of the store to the other, it freaked me out so bad that when I found eric I was cring...this is not normal...I talked to a friend who is a counselor she said I had post tramatic stress....idk, I just know I'm tired of being affraid all the time!!!!!!!


Blueeyes, thank you so much for the update and for letting us know how you are doing. What you are going through is most definitely post traumatic stress, so try not to be hard on yourself now, because it's still so soon after the incident. Would it be possible for you to see your friend, who is a counselor, for regular sessions so that she can help you through this?

As well, I think that having the wedding moved up was a blessing in disguise, because it'll take some emphasis off of what happened and you can focus on something so wonderfully positive and happy.

I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is in the hospital. Poor thing. I am praying for her.

Dear BlueEyes,
Just remember that with prayer all things are possible.
I pray and speak peace into you and your family. I speak healing to your grandfather.
Jesus is are Rock and our heavenly father. Give it all to him. He is an on time God!
In Jesus Name.

thanks, she got out of the hosp. and is doing much better....I have a question though.....HAS ANYONE EVER DEVELOPED MAYBE PROBLEMS WITH THERE STOMACHE OR CHEST FROM STRESS??? I KNOW THAT SOUNDS STUPID BUT THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN FEELING......



dear blue eyes could be the stress, ut if it isn't going away at rest go to the ER and have it checked out. could be something more serious if the pain goes down you arm at all? i am not a doctor or health care practitioner, just remember from warning signs that discomfort in the stomach could be serious esp if it involves the arms. hope you are feeling better.

all my love, faith and hope dear one, your prayer warrior

BlueEyes, I most definitely have experienced both chest and stomach pains from severe stress and anxiety. And, I highly recommend that you get a check-up by a medical professional just to make sure that you are okay, as it's always better to be safe than sorry. My chest pain would feel like a pressure and I found it hard to breathe, as well my stomach pain would feel pretty sharp. You are going through so much and it's good to get yourself checked out. I am praying for you and I know that you will be well. Please let us know how you are doing. Sending you big hugs & lots of love.

I'm going to cry you guys...I can't believe how sweet you are...thank you so much, you have been my rock and just knowing I have precious ppl like you to talk to makes things so much easier....I feel alittle better, not so much pain anymore, went fishing wth eric for awhile and it was so calming, got to relax and just not think...I'm going to call my doctor on monday and maybe ge him to refer me to a gastro. doctor to see if it's an ulcer or bp is good, no pain in my arms or hands, neck or head, no I don't thnk it's my heart but who knows?? Eric done the sweetest thing for me today...took me to get a first I was anxious but then I relaxed and relized not EVERY MAN IS OUT TO HURT ME.... hopefully I can get passed this fear of being attacked everytime I am is esp. bad at night, I guess because thats when it happened....We are going shopping tomorrow for some final wedding errands...I pray it will be a great day... love to you all....and thanks again so very much and God bless you all.......


Make a log of when your pain seems worse and better. It will help your doctor figure out what is wrong and you will be less likely to forget things to tell the doctor.

Blueeyes, of course we are always here for you. How are you doing and feeling today? Your day yesterday sounded so amazing, it was exactly what you needed to really take your mind off of things and to really relax. I am happy to hear that you are going to call your doctor on Monday, it's good to get checked out. Try to relax as much as possible and keep your mind off of things. I am praying for you and sending you tons of positive energy.

Today was ok, not the best...we did go get his attire for the wedding which was nice but it was a bitter sweet deal...his parents offered to pay for it because of the costs of, doc. tests yadda yadda yadda....well when we went to go get it, his mom let us know in a not so nice manner she had changed her mind???? she loves me and him, but she can be very back and forth should I say as a person on it was money that was to go on our now we have to do something else...idk, I got frustrated about it, he could see it bothered me, soooo we did the only thing that seemed reasonable at the timeand went fishing was nice and calming...we have to go pick up serving dishes etc. tomorrow hopefully everything will get done and want be so expensive....thanks guys for letting me you all so much for just being there...God Bless


Blueeyes, I absolutely love the incredibly supportive and calm relationship that you and your fiance have. Instead of allowing it to get to the two of you and come between the two of you, you both chose to do something relaxing where you could enjoy one another and a peaceful day. That's such a beautiful thing and I am so happy that your day ended as such. I know that you will get through all of your wedding preparation and planning. Although I know that it can be stressful, it's so great that you have such a calming partner. The wonderful love that you two share is all that matters in the end.

How are you doing and feeling today?