Well I went IP for the month of september and when I got back home, I was doing well for awhile, until the last few weeks. Im starting to lose weight and just feel really crummy and depressed. I need to let my mom know that I have relapsed but I am afraid of how she will take it. I don't want her to give up on me and that is what I am afraid of happening. I just feel so alone in this.
Pinkpod, your mom will never give up on you and neither would we. I think that it's important for you to be open with your mom so that you can get the proper guidance and treatment. Know that we are here for you.
Don't ever think for a second that your mom will give up on you, she won't because she loves you and she'll be there for you trough everything but I think you should tell her before things possibly get worse. I'll pray for you girl but tell her as soon as possible! And you're not alone, God is with you :)
Pinkpod....It may sound strange, but 'slips' (as I prefer to call them) are a normal part of recovery. We can learn from what causes us to slip up, and begin again to develop more tools for coping. It's critical that you seek help again NOW, before you get to the point where you will need IP again, or even a longer period of time in treatment. Have you been seeing a therapist? Or anyone who can keep you accountable for your recovery? That first year after treatment is the most vulnerable time, and it's very important that you are seeing a therapist and having someone watch your weight for the slightest problem...so you can catch it early. What do you think you need?
Take care, and please take care...Jan ♥
Well I am seeing a therapist right now and she has said that I need a higher level of care (which me nor my parents can't afford). I still haven't told my mom, because I am afraid of her response. I will try to tell her by the end of the week though because my therapist wants my mom to be involved.
Pinkpod, I am so proud of wanting to tell your mom this week, that's so great. I know that she will do anything and everything to help you. Please don't have any fear, look ahead towards recovery and taking good care of yourself. We are here for you, please keep sharing.
Pinkpod, **** proud of you for admitting the OOPS & I'll bet you already have a plan of attack to help console you & your mothers feelings on the subject.
Stay well.